View Full Version : Child recurring illnesses

29-09-22, 08:28

I'm hoping someone will be able to put some logic into my thinking.

My 6.5 year old son seems to be getting virus's every 2/3 weeks at the moment.

It started with a random high fever which lasted about 12 hours, he has some ulcers in his mouth which went away within 5 days.

Then 2 weeks later he caught laryngitis for about 5 days.

Now 2.5 weeks on he has a runny nose and the cold and his glands under his jaw are raised.

Now obviously as a sufferer of health anxiety this all sets me off. I spoke to my DR who said as he is just back to school he will be picking up all the viruses he missed during covid etc and that as long as he is okay in between viruses I shouldn't worry.

He is totally fine in-between viruses and even Now with the cold he is okay in himself.

My worry is something like leukemia because it causes recurring illnesses.

Am I being silly thinking this?

Is it just common after all the covid restrictions for his age?


Thanks in advance

29-09-22, 09:30

I'm hoping someone will be able to put some logic into my thinking.

My 6.5 year old son seems to be getting virus's every 2/3 weeks at the moment.

It started with a random high fever which lasted about 12 hours, he has some ulcers in his mouth which went away within 5 days.

Then 2 weeks later he caught laryngitis for about 5 days.

Now 2.5 weeks on he has a runny nose and the cold and his glands under his jaw are raised.

Now obviously as a sufferer of health anxiety this all sets me off. I spoke to my DR who said as he is just back to school he will be picking up all the viruses he missed during covid etc and that as long as he is okay in between viruses I shouldn't worry.

He is totally fine in-between viruses and even Now with the cold he is okay in himself.

My worry is something like leukemia because it causes recurring illnesses.

Am I being silly thinking this?

Is it just common after all the covid restrictions for his age?


Thanks in advance

Just quoting in bold for that particular sentence to try and offer some perspective.

Your mind is saying 'keeps getting ill every 2-3 weeks', wheras the reality you're describing is that he HAS been ill 2-3 times in a relatively short period of time. He only KEEPS getting ill every 2-3 weeks if it carries on happening.

However, as a parent....I totally get it.

This just happens sometimes though, and especially after a period of prolonged isolation from Covid. This is arguably the first 'proper' cold season kids will be exposed to since Covid, so there's probably a lot of viruses knocking around that we don't have antibodies for yet.

Sometimes kids just get ill a lot, I know mine do/did, especially before the age of 10 or so.

29-09-22, 10:27
Thank you so much, you worded that really well and I hadn't thought of it like that 😊

29-09-22, 10:44
It is really common after heading back to school in September, there are all new germs in the schools and everyone gets ill.... threy build somewhat of an immunity as the school year goes on to the random germs floating around schools.... I work in a school and am forever ill in the first few months of the school year

06-10-22, 00:47
My 5 year old is currently sick with a high temp. It’s the 3rd time since the start of term. I found his first year of school he seemed to be unwell every bloody week. It seems to be completely normal. I always assumed because my son goes to a special school that’s why he got sick so often as all the children are autistic so they are all licking and touching items refusing to wash hands ect a lot of them are still in nappies, however all my friends children started this year (a big chunk of my friends decided to breed in the same year and absolutely ruin my social life 🤣) and they are all now complaining their kids are constantly sick. My friends 4 year old is currently projectile vomiting up her walls as we speak. Anyway point being it’s completely normal, your baby does not have any hideous disease. They are just picking up all the bugs that they need to develop a healthy immune system… as crap as it is for you x

06-10-22, 07:54
I always assumed because my son goes to a special school that’s why he got sick so often as all the children are autistic so they are all licking and touching items refusing to wash hands ect a lot of them are still in nappies

Sara, forgive me, but given that there's a thread going on elsewhere on here where someone is making assumptions about autistic people..

all the children are autistic so they are all licking and touching items and refusing to wash hands

It's not obvious to everybody that autism is a spectrum, and some people read comments (such the one above) and apply it to autistic people generally, which is inaccurate. These inaccuracies are unhelpful for several reasons, but one is that they can cause people to question someone's diagnosis because they are not impaired in the same way that the person they've read about (or seen on TV) is. I'm not trying to be an @rsehole here, please don't think that. I am the parent of an autistic child too (and he's at special school) I just think it's important that people understand that autism is a broad spectrum, and that we all have different challenges and impairments.

Hope your lad feels better soon. X

08-10-22, 01:15
Hi Nora don’t think your being an ********. I just forget that people don’t personally know my son 🤣 when I say he goes to a special school and they are all autistic so they are licking and touching items what I mean is his particular little class is. His school group the classes by their own needs ect. So his little group of 7 are all the severe sensory seekers and his particular class are all none verbal and in nappies. Obviously (well to me not as you well pointed everyone else) the whole school aren’t like that. I shall bear that in mind x

08-10-22, 08:54
Hi Nora don’t think your being an ********. I just forget that people don’t personally know my son 藍 when I say he goes to a special school and they are all autistic so they are licking and touching items what I mean is his particular little class is. His school group the classes by their own needs ect. So his little group of 7 are all the severe sensory seekers and his particular class are all none verbal and in nappies. Obviously (well to me not as you well pointed everyone else) the whole school aren’t like that. I shall bear that in mind x

Hi Sara, I'm so relieved you've responded so positively to my comment, thanks. X

08-10-22, 16:36
How is he now Sar ?