View Full Version : Severely Struggling with Cardiophobia Support Needed

29-09-22, 20:08
So.. April I posted in the success stories section. Then unfortunately in June I went really badly down hill again. I started getting burning in my stomach and burping up food and acid. I ended up having lots of ectopic beats more than I had, had in a long time. I visited a cardiologist whom said he heard a heart murmur. This resulted in me having a Holter monitor for 11 days, and ecg and and echocardiogram. Results all came back normal except for persistent tachycardia and ectopic beats but the murmur was deemed just a murmur and of no concern. That being said I have been a mess since. I thought I would feel calm and reassured but I haven't if anything I feel worse and I know how stupid it sounds. But I am terrified everyday that i am going to have a heart attack or cardiac arrest. I have had Health Anxiety for many years on and off and my heart is one that comes around frequent but usually disappears again. It hasn't this time its been 14 weeks of unrelenting anxiety everyday. I started having panic attacks but they went away in august after 2 weeks of panic attacks everyday. My body is so tense, I keep tensing and holding my breathe pretty much all day that I am in agony and my arms are sore. I keep getting this almighty pressure feeling/ Achy Lump feeling in my upper stomach in the middle between the ribs. I am sure its my stomach but I get very scared it is my heart as sometimes the feeling of pressure goes up a little to between the bottom of my breasts. So I automatically think heart attack and think I'm going to die. I haven't been this bad in a really long time. I am trying to use logical reasoning but finding it really hard at the moment. I just want to go back to my normal base line GAD and not this heart attack fear all day everyday. I have started religiously taking my BP and pulse so many times a day again as well. I have even bought a stethoscope to hear my murmur Its ridiculous.

Does anyone have any advice, support etc I am really struggling at the moment. :weep:

30-09-22, 15:05

30-09-22, 15:48
I often get ectopic beats with reflux/indigestion, I think there is a connection between the two. It started for me about 11 or 12 years ago and I'm still here!

You've had ECG, echo and a holter monitor and, so you are basically as reassured as one can be in terms of cardio issues. Not easy to do but I'd suggest maybe setting aside one time of the day to check your BP etc, and if you have a fitness watch with a HR monitor maybe give it a break for a few days and really stick to it. Meditate if you can, I find it helps get me down from a high state of anxiety - and if you can do that you might find a lot of your symptoms will disappear!

30-09-22, 20:47
That is what I keep telling myself one of those 3 tests would have shown something if there was something wrong with my heart. Plus indigestion can give you some pretty intense symptoms too like the trapped gas, pressure, and nausea. I am going to start my progressive muscle relaxation videos on YouTube again and see if that can help me. Thank you