View Full Version : Unbearable feeling in Neck

30-09-22, 14:23
A week ago I started to feel a really TIGHT, tense, uncomfortable weird pull in the right side of my neck. Near the front. Had a little google and I believe the scalene muscles?
Since then it hasn’t got better. I just got back from a holiday and it completely ruined it. The doctor gave me some diazepam to try and control the anxiety over it.
It’s almost like the muscles have stayed tense and there’s nothing I can do. I can really feel it in the ear as well. It’s hard to sleep. Impossible to get comfy in the day. Sitting, standing. It’s causing so much anxiety.
Has anyone else had this? I’ve tried deep heat, ice packs, heated bean bag. Just doesn’t help.
Argh. Just want it to go. Anyone has this? I can’t stop touching my neck. So desperate to try and release the tension. It’s so intense 😥

Thank you, katie

30-09-22, 18:48
Hi Katie, I've had the same thing for a while. Pulling muscles in the back of my head. I too googled and the best I could come up with were the SCM muscles or text neck!! It fits in with my gym routine too. This has been ongoing for me since beginning/mid August and only in the past day or two has it started to ease. It was giving me a headache too. I've been putting tiger balm on it day and night too. Hope you feel better.