View Full Version : Quite A Few Different Symptoms

15-02-05, 19:44
I have been on 20mg Cipralex for the last 8 months, i am looking to come off them within the next 2-3 months if possible, i feel they have done all they can my panic attacks have been gone for 7 months now.

But i get lots of symptoms, my memory hasnt been good for awhile, i forget things now and again within a few mins and i really worry about it am i being stupid?
I also get quite abit of twitching, and i still feel tired all the time even though i have been taking EPA fish oil and a strong Vitamin B complex for over a month now so maybe it is the cipralex causing this, but would Cipralex be causing my constant lightheadedness or feeling spaced out all the time and affecting my memory as well i dont feel with it sometimes.

I am seeing a neurologist next week and i am dreading it really badly, i am going just ot rule out any other things but this week as my memory is getting really bad as well that i may have a brain disorder or something.

Hope to get some reassurance and advice.


Andrew [8D]

15-02-05, 19:57
Hi Andrew
Just wanted to let you know that when i took Cipralex i also suffered from twitching especially in the hands, it was horrible. Also felt like a zombie. But i didn't take them for long tho.
Take care

15-02-05, 20:06
Glad to hear you've been panic free. Are you still very anxious much of the time ?

The memory thing is really common with post anxiety. Lots buzzing round in our heads. Keep on the fish oils for this. I think we all exaine our mental capcity and notice when we are not as sharp or mentally agile as previously.

The lightheadedness might suggest you are hyperventilating some of the time- do you feel anxious or short of breath ?

If you and your doctor agree for you to come off the cipralex - do it very slowly.

I'mm sure you'll get otheres posting about how they were fatigue wise whilst they were on it.

Are you sleeping well ?

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

15-02-05, 20:07
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Andrew
Just wanted to let you know that when i took Cipralex i also suffered from twitching especially in the hands, it was horrible. Also felt like a zombie. But i didn't take them for long tho.
Take care

<div align="right">Originally posted by Tracy68 - 15 February 2005 : 19:57:48</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Could you please try to elaborate on what you mean by feeling like a zombie? When I was on Cipralex I felt like what I would also describe as feeling like a zombie, or a robot.

15-02-05, 20:17


When I was on Prozac I continued to get all the panic/anxiety symptoms so I never felt that it helped so I came off it.

My other side-effects went once I started exercise and a diet so maybe you could look at that too.

As for the Neurologist - I saw one and they just do some tests like getting you to stand on one leg with your eyes closed and walk in a straight line lol. Not sure if they still do that but that is all I did and we talked about the dizziness etc.

I also had an EEG but I didn't like that very much.

All was fine and there were no "neuro" problems with me just anxiety.

Good luck with that.

Let us know how it goes ok.


16-02-05, 12:20
hi Andrew

I don't know about Cipralex, but I got the loss of memory from Prozac. well that's what I think it's from. I have the memory capacity of a fish at the moment, my family & friends are finding it really irriating. It never used to happen this bad while I was on the Meds, but i've been meds free now for 4/5 months, and my memory is steadily getting worse.

Unforuantly, I'm not sure of any remedies. If you know of any i'd be grateful if you'd let me know. Does fish oil really work?

But what I suppose what i'm trying to say is that you're not one your own, I can't remember things either. Oh, and you're not stupid, cos that would make me stupid, and although popular consensus would have you believe otherwise (hee, hee), I'm not.

take care

Katie xx

put things in perspective, take a balanced view, when u start to count your troubles, count your blessings too.

16-02-05, 15:10
hi andrew, I take cipralex too 20mg now but was on 10mg. I have been on them about 3 months and found they do help panic and i was waking realy scared in the mornings it has seemed to help that lots too. Where I used to get up early becouse I was to anxiouse and scared to go back to sleep. I can now sleep in no problem, In fact I have to force myself out of bed. With me I think the tiredness is not a side effect but am able to relax more now. as you know when u was panicing and tence you didnt feel tired becouse the anxiety overpowered everything? As for the symtome I think thats still anxiety as they seem to change a lot. tc for now. Vernon