View Full Version : Abilify (Aripiprazole) for depressive episode?

03-10-22, 14:06
Hi I'm based in the UK and my doctor just prescribed me 2.5mg a day of Aripiprazole for 2 weeks for a 16-day depressive episode that isn't going anywhere. (Also on 40mg Fluoxetine a day). It's only my second day and I already feel a bit calmer.

My main questions are: once the 14 days are up, might I be better enough to stop taking it and just feel like my old self again? I don't want it to just be a band-aid/plaster covering up the feelings of intense depression. I'm worried that this depression is untreatable or permanent or something, which is giving me feelings of dread and major panic.

Lots of bad reviews from ppl on Reddit etc saying it made them worse.... :/

Lastly, any success stories with this med? Thanks

04-10-22, 06:37
my doctor just prescribed me 2.5mg a day of Aripiprazole for 2 weeks for a 16-day depressive episode that isn't going anywhere. (Also on 40mg Fluoxetine a day).

Was any thought given to also increasing the fluoxetine dose?

My main questions are: once the 14 days are up, might I be better enough to stop taking it and just feel like my old self again? I don't want it to just be a band-aid/plaster covering up the feelings of intense depression.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say what will happen once you stop taking aripiprazole (Abilify), though I suspect you may need to increase the fluoxetine dose to restore order.

I'm worried that this depression is untreatable or permanent or something, which is giving me feelings of dread and major panic.

I think you are a long way from needing to worry about the depression being untreatable. Fluoxetine is not the only antidepressant. Do you also have panic disorder?

Lots of bad reviews from ppl on Reddit etc saying it made them worse....

And none from the millions who were helped by it because they are too busy living life to post about it. Please don't base your treatment choices on online reviews. They are meaningless as every case is unique.

I'm not a fan of treating depression (or anxiety disorders) with antipsychotics long term, but they can be useful in calming things down until other treatments become effective.

04-10-22, 11:53
Thanks for your reply, PanicDU.

I have major anxiety issues - never officially diagnosed with panic disorder though. I just worry excessively about my health.

As I am already on quite a high dose of Fluoxetine (40mg a day) and came off it for like two-three weeks (stupid I know), they havent really talked about upping it. Maybe the depressive episode was triggered by me stopping the Fluoxetine so suddenly, I dont know?

I am really scared that once the two weeks of Apipiprazole the depression will return, but then, if that's the case, what is even the point of prescribing it if it's basically like a sticking plaster and just masks the issue for two weeks. That is my main fear, really, and I'm trying to quash that fear (and it is probably part of my health anxiety).

Thanks again

05-10-22, 11:27
I have major anxiety issues - never officially diagnosed with panic disorder though. I just worry excessively about my health.

So depression is not usually a concern?

As I am already on quite a high dose of Fluoxetine (40mg a day)

It's not that high. The recommended maximum is 60mg, and higher doses are sometimes needed. There is, imho, no point in taking a med at an ineffective dose.

and came off it for like two-three weeks

Why? Because you were doing okay and thought you no longer needed it, the side-effects, or something else?

they havent really talked about upping it. Maybe the depressive episode was triggered by me stopping the Fluoxetine so suddenly, I dont know?

You can't really come off fluoxetine 'suddenly'. It has a half-life of about 6 days so takes around 30 days to be fully metabolised and eliminated, plus its active metabolite, which actually does most of the work, has a half-life of up to 16 days so sticks around for up to 80 days. But if the dose was borderline, it's possible I guess.

I am really scared that once the two weeks of Apipiprazole the depression will return, but then, if that's the case, what is even the point of prescribing it if it's basically like a sticking plaster and just masks the issue for two weeks.

I can't say what your GP intended. Maybe the point was simply to provide a calming break to see if that is enough to settle things down and also to give fluoxetine a chance to build up in your system again.

That is my main fear, really, and I'm trying to quash that fear (and it is probably part of my health anxiety).

If it doesn't work it won't be the end of the world. There are many treatment options. Have you tried therapy?

05-10-22, 21:22
Hey and thanks again for getting back to me.

No, depression is not usually a thing for me, just anxiety, so when it suddenly hit me out of the blue and wouldn't go away, it was absolutely horrible, the worst few weeks of my life, without a doubt. I keep thinking the only reason I'm not feeling it right now is cos I'm medicated with the Abilify....

Yeah I stopped it cos A) I ran out and B) felt OK enough to keep putting off going to pick up the pills. It was silly and irresponsible of me.

So with all that in mind, any more thoughts? I'm terrified of that depression feeling coming back, to be honest. It was unbearable...... and I had suicidal thoughts because it was so unescapable

06-10-22, 07:56
I keep thinking the only reason I'm not feeling it right now is cos I'm medicated with the Abilify....

It may, or may not be the aripiprazole. The only way to know is to come off it.

I'm terrified of that depression feeling coming back, to be honest. It was unbearable...... and I had suicidal thoughts because it was so unescapable

If you slip back into depression, and the there is a good chance you won't, then going back onto aripiprazole should quickly stabilise things again until either a fluoxetine dose increase, or switch to another AD takes effect. You are not facing disaster despite what a catastrophising mind may be telling you.

06-10-22, 13:32
Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. It's helped a lot. And catastrophising mind is spot on! x