View Full Version : On/off Nausea and headaches

03-10-22, 16:31
For the last week my health anxiety has been sky high, it comes and goes in waves over the years, sometimes not bothering me for months and then it creeps up again. I’ve fully convinced that the past 7 years I’ve had a brain tumour/Intercranial hypertension and it’s started up again. I’ve also been really stressed the past week as well as having a funeral so it’s been a different than normal week. I’m not one to get headaches ever, maybe one every couple months if anything but all I’ve had is headaches these last few days that feel like a tension one but like all over my head and waves of sickness that come and go. Today was the first day I’ve woken up feeling better and I’ve also been out for a bit and preoccupied and I’ve been fine. I’ve come home and suddently feel like I’ve got slightly headache (now that I’ve lay down it’s gone) and these waves of nausea!! Im terrified that it’s the pressure in my brain which is causing it, the sickness is scaring me so bad because it just randomly appears. I can’t tell if it’s just the stress and anxiety that I’m putting myself under or something worse.