View Full Version : Mammogram fears

03-10-22, 19:02
Hi Everyone,
I'm scheduled to have my annual mammogram tomorrow morning. I'm 46 and have had normal mammos since age 40, but a year and a half ago I had to get a follow up ultrasound to check out some cysts. They rechecked me 6 months later and said I was fine, and to come back in a year. My report said I have heterogeneously dense breasts.
I'm fully panicking about this test tomorrow. I'm scared they're going to need to do another ultrasound and then a biopsy and then...
I'm struggling to function. I know it's better to get checked annually, but I'm so scared, both that they'll find something or they'll miss something. I also know that treatments are was better for BC now, but I still can't shake my fears.
I should mention I'm in Canada, and our provincial government has been attacking the public healthcare in an attempt to go private. Many doctors have quit or retired, including my GP, who I saw for many years and was so good to talk to about my anxiety. I can't find any doctors in my city who are taking new patients, let alone a good one who can cope with me. I feel really alone.

04-10-22, 13:22

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


04-10-22, 20:30
I had the mammogram, and they said there was no change from last year, but because of the density and my family history they want me to have a 3D ultrasound. Because I was so anxious they scheduled the appointment for two days from now. I think I feel better ("no change" is good, right?) but I'm afraid for the ultrasound. Apparently these tests pick up things that mammograms miss. I'm worried that the radiologist today saw something but didn't tell me because I'm getting this other test in a couple days.

If someone could please respond, I would really appreciate it.

05-10-22, 06:13
I think it's a good result and it's great they scheduled the ultrasound so quickly. Believe what they have told you, keep reassuring yourself and try and keep busy until the appointment.

06-10-22, 15:09
Thank you for your reply, Catkins. I'm having the 3D ultrasound today and I'm struggling a bit. I'm afraid that I'll get a call next week from my dr with bad news. Logically, I'm trying to remind myself that there was no change on the mammogram from last year, so this is really more of a screening to create a baseline. Right?
I ended up finding a doctor who, while not taking on new patients right now, said I could ask for her as a walk in, so I feel like I could build a relationship. I talked to her about all this and she was also reassuring that this test is a screening.
But the What Ifs keep creeping back in my brain. I feel like this anxiety will never end.