View Full Version : Eye twitch and cheek numbness

07-10-22, 14:05
I need some reassurance please. I'm having a really hard time. My right eye bottom lid has been twitching and my cheekbone goes numb from time to time. The cheekbone going numb really scares me. I have a full blown panic attack each time it happens and I don't know how to cope. I made the mistake of googling and I watched a ypu tube video of this guy who had cheek numbness and that was a symptom of his brain tumor. Now I am so scared I have one. I just cry all day and am so scared of doctors and hospitals. Has anyone gone through this and it was ok?

08-10-22, 09:42
I definitely get eye twitches but so does nearly everyone you’ll ever meet.
I honestly don’t know how my cheek bone would go numb & how I would know? Sorry if that sounds a bit odd, but it’s not an area of my face that I tend to notice much. But as it’s just under your eye maybe it’s connected by the twitching.

If you don’t want to go to a dr then the only other thing I can suggest is to make an effort to stop checking and touching it, and to definitely stop googling. No good comes from googling your symptoms x

08-10-22, 12:16

I occasionally get eye twitches both eyes but more my right I know that can be stress or lack of sleep which sounds like you may be suffering

With regards to the cheek thing I definitely get this in my left cheek and it also scares me to death I have spoke to a doc about it before I was having an issue with my ear at the time and I think she thought it was connected to that

I don’t think it is I have fibromyalgia and a lot of pain is in my upper back muscles and shoulders and I think when I get anxious I tense and my left side tends to suffer from my anxiety more than my right

I find that deep breathing for 5 mins helps sometimes not going to lie and say it helps everytime but it definitely grounds me when I’m over thinking it I think if it was anything serious it wouldn’t come and go and you would have other symptoms as well

Just try and make yourself remain calm and try and logically think is this as bad as my anxiety is making me believe? And you will find it will settle and you will feel more in control

Like I say it doesn’t happen everytime but sometimes it’s just a good reassuring talk to yourself that is needed if it continues to cause you so much stress please go see a doctor and you will come out feeling much better and not having to worry about it again

Good luck
Caz x

08-10-22, 12:21
I've been getting the cheek numbness for years now. Hope that reassures you as I'm still here!!!!
I don't know what causes but I'm assuming it's linked to anxiety as it normally comes with other symptoms like twitching, muscle contractions etc.

08-10-22, 13:13
Same here Carnation I have numb cheeks too.At the moment I have a tick in my top lip the darn thing is driving me mad (or madder):D

08-10-22, 13:39
Make fun of it lola, because worrying about it obviously doesn't work. x

08-10-22, 21:03
Thank you so much, anxiety can really play tricks with your mind, it's been 20 years for me and I'm still learning on ways how to cope. I am always stressed and I do lack sleep, so I agree that could be a cause also. I did go to the clinic today and she did a few exercises with me and said she found nothing abnormal and it's just a muscle spasm. I feel a little better, but still not 100% convinced. I did tell her I don't know if it's numbness or spasm that I'm.feeling and she asked me if I can feel her finger on my cheek, I said yes, she said there is no numbness and nothing to be concerned about.. but why don't I feel 100%? I think because the feeling comes and goes and scares me each time. Do you still think I should be concerned even if she checked me out and said all is ok?

09-10-22, 10:38
Hi Candy

Every time you have an intrusive thought I would remind yourself of her reassuring words

She would have been checking for anything she wasn’t happy with while getting you to do all the exercises was it like blowing your cheeks out? Screwing your eyes tight shut stuff like that? If it was these things that we find embarrassing or daft tell them a lot and she wouldn’t want you to walk out of her room feeling anything other than reassured

Just tell yourself I know what it is it will pass when I don’t focus on it and distract yourself

Well done for going to see someone 👍🏻 I know how scary that is that’s half the battle won right there

Best wishes
Caz x

09-10-22, 14:26
Hi Caz,

Yes she had me do all those things you mentioned and some strength exercises and facial movements. I guess a neurological exam? It was really hard to go into that office, but I'm glad I did. I am hoping to have a good day, anxiety free today. Thank you so much again. ❤️

10-10-22, 02:33
Make fun of it lola, because worrying about it obviously doesn't work. x

Hi Carnation.:flowers:I laughed about it last week my eye was twitching when the doctor was examining me, I was hoping he thought I was winking at him, nice looking doc.x