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View Full Version : Please help, possible genetic mutation and can’t cope.

08-10-22, 05:50
To make a long story short I have had intense cancer (https://patient.info/cancer/cancer) fears since I was 19, I just turned 24 and every test I have taken has come back clean. I have felt happy and healthy for MONTHS until I got news my mother carries a gene known as BRIP1.
From my understanding this gene increases your ovarian cancer (https://patient.info/cancer/gynaecological-cancer/ovarian-cancer) risks from 2% to 9-15%. And your breast cancer (https://patient.info/cancer/breast-cancer-leaflet) risk from 12% to 20-30%. However this breast cancer keeps getting disproven, I hope it stays that way, but I have seen more people get BC than OC with this gene. The only preventative measure given for this gene is getting your ovaries out at 45.
The reason this came as a shock to me is because we do not have a family history of cancer. My mom who carries the gene is a perfectly healthy 60 year old with no problems. Her dad is fine too and 90, The only reason we found out about this gene is because my moms cousin developed stage 0 breast cancer at 59, she doesn’t have a family history either (the mutation is carried by men only) so I am very shocked she even got tested for any genetic mutations.
For some reason my mother isn’t worried about this at all, she had a hysterectomy (https://patient.info/womens-health/periods-and-period-problems/hysterectomy) after learning about it which is good. But I can’t stop obsession and fixating on this. What are the odds my family has a genetic mutation?? And I don’t know what to do. I was highly advised to wait to get tested until I am either 30 or until I have good insurance, which defiantly won’t happen anytime soon, I’ve had poor luck finding a good job:emot-crying::emot-crying::emot-crying:. There is a 50% chance I have it, I really just want to know but knowing won’t change any recommendations for preventable measures. I am so scared I won’t have the help I need if I have this mutation. Everyone on my moms cousins side tested negative for the mutation, I am worried I will be the unlucky individual who tests positive when the time comes.
I have been crying everyday about this for a while now, therapy isn’t really helping and is just making me more depressed, I feel like my future just went down the toilet. I have no one to talk to until I am older and I am praying I don’t get cancer. The only comfort I have is if I have this gene, it isn’t a super scary one like BRCA, but its still a bad gene.
I know this is long but I could really use any sort of comfort, I wish I could just forget about this whole thing, it has really ruined me

10-10-22, 02:43
I know it’s not easy trying not too worry,but sending you a big hug.:bighug1: