View Full Version : Anyone know about Thyroids?

08-10-22, 22:14
I have managed to control my HA for 4 years but now I am in real health scare! I have a huge lump growing on the front of my neck (over where my Thyroid is). I have been to ENT and had a camera down my nose and he felt lump (I have lots of nodules) bloods done (wbc slightly raised and TSH normal). This lump is so big it must have been growing very slowly over the years I now know it was the reason for restricted breathing over the years.... I have had most the the thyroid symptoms over the years but tests always come back normal. Currently thinking my bumpy scalp (that has been like it for years) is cancerous and thinking that I have terminal cancer because the lump come up.

I am struggling more than ever before and I have already convinced myself the worst outcome. Not sure what I expect from anyone replying (If anyone does thank you) Maybe some advice on how to cope while doing scans or waiting for results would help me. Not looking forward to another sleepless night!.

09-10-22, 10:59
Hi, I have a lump on the front of my neck its growing bigger all over where thyroid?. (I have seen doctor/ had TSH-normal/ENT said i had thyroid nodules & has ultrasound booked). I really do not want to google because I have HA you know what would happen. All my family & friends don't have Thyroid problems and have no advice. I am obviously thinking the worst now because they want to know why I have a lump with normal results?. I have had thyroid symptoms though. I have another 6 days until ultrasound & I feel like I'm going to lose my mind though.... :scared15:

09-10-22, 14:09

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

24-10-22, 21:12
I was referred a couple of years ago because the doctor said that my neck looked ‘bulky’. My first ultrasound scan showed that I had a nodule that was borderline and I was booked in to have a needle biopsy the following week. Luckily when I went back the consultant (who apparently was the thyroid expert at the hospital) did another scan and said he had no concerns but before that I was told that it’s highly treatable and that some medical professionals don’t even like to refer to it as cancer because it’s rarely fatal. They also said that a lot of the population have nodules but they’re only usually found incidentally. Sorry if I’ve just gone on about stuff you already know about but just wanted to reassure you that things will most likely be fine.