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22-11-07, 17:11
Hi Ladies.I had a letter throught the post today, SMEAR TEST:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:
Well Im petrified of having one.Now I know what your going to say I should have one done,easier said than done!!!!!!!:weep:

I am 41 and never had one done,I would like to get one done, Im so scared of how it feels. Then Im going to be worried sick about the results.

Last year I was brave and went to the doctors and let her examine me,she used the silver speculum,and I was told to relax,which made it a little easier.I told her then I hadnt had a smear test,but she said she couldnt do it then,as I would need alonger appointment and she needed to go up a little further for a smear test.
I would like to know if any of you ladies has had the same problem, or bottled out or am I the only one.

I used to have a sexual phobia,but with good counselling made a full recovery on that one:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: could it be a similar fear,I think it was a fear of pain,and the unknown.Im telling you all my secrets here.:wacko:

I hate it when you have to strip off and your showing all you got,nothing to cover your self with!!!!!!!:blush: :blush: :blush:

Please dont tell me bad storys.

22-11-07, 18:01
Hi Ellen
I know exactly what you mean. I too had the same fears - had my first smear at 29. I was really nervous and as i had gained confidence in my female GP, she said that i could have it done by her, so i booked a double appt. With some deep breathing and a strategically placed towel, i went through with it without any hitch. Then came the dreaded 4-6 week wait - then results came back inadequate!!!! It took me another 3 years to go back and have it re-done, this time by the practice nurse - results came back few weeks ago and everything is normal down there!!!:yesyes:

Lesson learnt - everyone told me afterwards that tests taken by GPs often come back inadequate as they dont normally do them, so often dont collect enough cells.

Obviously, i am very happy now i have done it and results were clear. I dont think i will have a problem going again in three years. I work in the NHS and i know a lady there, aged 40, has two kids but still cant bring herself to have a smear.

You are not on your own, lots of ladies feel this way about smears! You'll be glad you did it!!!
Take care

22-11-07, 18:11
tell you what i did , I phoned the well woman clinic and asked them to do it instead of a nurse at my gps.
I told them that I am not sure if I can go thru with it and can they book me with someone who is lovely and understanding please.
When it came to the day , I got the most lovely lady who told me whe would stop at any point i want. she was so gentle and kind , that all my fears went.

maybe you could do this too ?

22-11-07, 18:48
I bet there isn't one woman who actually likes or is indifferent to having a smear done. It isn't nice, but by the same token it isn't painful either.

I had my first one done at my local Family Planning Clinic when I was 22. I have to say I found that one really difficult as I just didn't know what to expect.

Over the years I've had one abnormal result and that meant I had to wait 6mths to have another one done. The result of that was normal, but it still meant I had to have annual smears done for 5yrs.

The last few times I've gone back to the Family Planning Clinic as you can go with no appointment, so I don't feel the worry beforehand like I do at the GP's surgery.

I did post earlier this week about going to have mine done and then getting there and finding out they are "being trained" at the moment and not doing them! Apparently there has been a change in how the smears are done and they use a brush instead of a spatula or something like that. I've now got to wait until they are able to do it.

22-11-07, 18:54
I have had one religiously since I was told I needed them. I had an abormal one and had the small operation that some need and then had to have them every year for about 6 years. Now I am back to once every 3 years.

It is painless though can be a little uncomfortable for a few seconds but that is all.

Lyn - yes they do it all different now. I went about 3 months ago and now they don't scrape it out with the wooden spatula thing onto a slide. It is an all-in-one thing they use (I am not explaining it very well).

They also don't use the cold metal thing but a plastic one so it isn't so hard and cold.

Ellen - you really must go and get it done. It is the only way to detect cervical cancer early on.

22-11-07, 19:06
It certainly isnt the most digified thing in the world! I think thats the reason I dont like them, its more embarrassing than anything but it is important to get them done.

Its not painful, might be a bit uncomfortable but that's it hun. Last time I had one which was about 3 years back they had stopped using the scrapy thing and used this brush which I didnt feel at all.

It will be fine hun, it doesnt take long and it will put our mind at rest xxx

22-11-07, 22:59
Thanks everyone,I dont feel so alone now.I think I will book an appointment.I work at the surgery cleaning and I know all the staff,which makes me feel a bit embarrassed.I dont mind seeing my gp and she is quite nice ,but Im quite chatty with the nurses,and feel a bit awkward.
When making the appointment I would like to explain that Im nervouse and never had one done before but I know all the receptionists as well!!!!

I do know they have started to use plastic devices now instead of them big silver gadgets:ohmy:

Its just making that appointment!!!!!:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:

23-11-07, 00:47
Hello :)

I've had two - one when I was 20 and one about 18 months ago. The results of the last one were 'inconclusive', and despite many letters to remind me, I still haven't bothered to go for the repeat :blush:

Actually they are fine. They don't hurt - just a tiny scratch then it's all over. Sure it's a little undignified but it really is ok. You can always ask for a blanket to cover up with - although the nurse will see it all! Please try not to be embarrassed. I used to work in Gynae and frankly, looking at 'bits' all day is no different to looking at a screen all day....you just get used to it. The nurse will be so used to taking them she won't bat an eyelid. As for results - they will more-than-likely be fine. Even if they aren't, it's almost always easily treatable.

One day I might learn to take my own advice ...........:winks:

Good luck - it will be fine, honest

xxx :flowers:

23-11-07, 07:08
ive had mine done approx every two (sometimes 3) years since i was 17. havent had an abnormal one yet, but last one i took, i never went back for results...i did mention it to my doc, who i think looked and said it was all fine, but i could be imaginging it , im not sure....i keep thinking she might have mumbled under her tongue that i need to get it done again in 12 months....she knows about my anx, im freaking out a bit about it too, but figure that if it was important she would have got me back in asap....so i have left it a year and am going back in jan......always freak about results as i get older, but know that if they do pick up anything, it will be in its early and preventable stage......right?.....i hope so....

the test itself is fine and painless!! beleive me, im a big baby!hehe....

23-11-07, 08:13
Ellen if you are embarrassed about having it done at the place you work then why not just go to your local Family Planning Clinic? You don't have to make an appointment, so you can just go on the spur of the moment. For me it's the making an appointment and then the waiting that gets to me, so I prefer to just go on an evening when I feel I can cope with going out.

I counted up how many smears I've had over the years and it's been 14 and I've never found any of them painful and I don't really feel particularly embarrassed either, it's just the inconvenience of it all that I hate.

Don't you just hate being a woman at times :blush:

23-11-07, 11:55
in South Africa I went once a year to my Gyne and she did a full check including a smear so I guess I have gotten used to it. It's just so important to have it done and thats what I keep in mind. Simply because should there be any problems thats the first place to pick it up and then it's easy and fast to treat!

I do know a lot of people who have had bad results back, but they are fine now after a bit of treatment. I think after having my son I have no quarms about who see's what after bearing all my bits for nearly the entire staff of my local hospital!

It's just something us ladies have to go through just think nice thoughts and look at it helping improve your health. I am due for one this year..I know it, but it's ok better safe than sorry.

Hope it goes well!
Take care,

23-11-07, 13:01
Im getting agitated about it now,and I havent made the appointment yet!!!
Why do us women have to go through so much.:lac:

How long does the test take to do please.?

23-11-07, 15:54
Im getting agitated about it now,and I havent made the appointment yet!!!
Why do us women have to go through so much.:lac:

How long does the test take to do please.?

Hi Ellen, it really doesn't take long at all, I would say just a few minutes at the most and it doesn't hurt it's just slightly uncomfortable. Hope you manage to make the appointment :hugs:

23-11-07, 16:58
Thanks everyone,all your advise has been a great help.Thats a good idea Lynn about going to the family planning clinic,and it would be good just to go in and not have to wait.:)

23-11-07, 17:01
Thanks everyone,all your advise has been a great help.Thats a good idea Lynn about going to the family planning clinic,and it would be good just to go in and not have to wait.:)

Hi Ellen, if you find out the phone number of your local Family Planning Clinic you could phone them and ask what is the best time to go so that there is little or no waiting, perhaps even explain your anxiety and see if you can be seen quickly. I just like the anonymity of those places, they don't know you and you don't know them and that suits me just fine.

27-11-07, 11:32
Well thanks to this thread I went and booked my repeat and it's this afternoon :ohmy:

Ellen - definitely look into going to a local Family Planning/Well Woman/GUM clinic to have it done. I wouldn't want to have it done by someone I knew either.

Good luck xxx :flowers:

27-11-07, 12:19
I have always had my smears done regularly but since suffering from anxiety find it increasingly difficult. its not so much getting it done i think it is more about being lead on the table and not being able to move.
I had one recently and it was less uncomfortable than i ever remember i think it is due to the new equipment they use, it was over in no time and i had the results in 3 weeks, it is a bit embarrassing but they have seen it all before, you just have to lie there and try to relax. We all have to do things we dont want to but in the end it is important to our health to get it done, and when the result comes back all clear you will be relieved and pleased you got it done.
all the best

27-11-07, 14:38

Ive booked mine for next week thanks to you reminding me!!!

Not looking forward to it but it has to be done.

I had a c section 3 months ago, so everyone saw all my bits when they put my catheter in, etc. I remember there were 3 nursey people (female) and 2 young men!!!

Please get it done, it only takes a few seconds and could potentially save your life!

Thinking of you - good luck

Lizzie xx

27-11-07, 16:16
Thanks Lizzie.Let me know how it went.

Well I have made an appointment with my gp for a meds review on the 7th Dec.Im going to ask her about it then,explain I want one and how Im feeling.

I spoke to the receptionist who I know and she said the nurse usually does it,or I can go to the family planning clinic in town.I dont really want to go there for many reasons, no one can take me,cant get public transport,its a place I dont know ect.

Ill see what gp saids and take it from there.

27-11-07, 16:22
Good woman.

I just had mine - it was fine. Embarrassing if you think about it, but just don't think about it, and it's over before you know it.

Good luck! xxx :flowers:

07-12-07, 13:49
Went and saw my gp for a meds review and brought up about the smear.She is happy to do it for me instead of the nurse,Im pleased about that.
Will book an appointment after christmas as she is on holiday the next couple of weeks.I feel positive at the moment.:hugs:

07-12-07, 13:55
well done you :yesyes:

anx xx

07-12-07, 14:48
Wear nice knickers!!

The embarrassment makes it painful not the actual test. Breathe deeply throughout and you will be fine. it takes longer to get yourself on the bed and have the towels drapped around your modesty than the test.xxxxxx

27-12-07, 23:45
Well its after christmas and I have been and made the dreaded appointment.Its for the 11th of January at 10.10am.Thats the first step,but Im going to try and not worry for now.:yesyes:

27-12-07, 23:50
Well done on making the appointment Ellen hun :yesyes: xxx

09-01-08, 23:22
Well ladies I havent cancelled the appointment:yesyes: :yesyes: Only tomorrow to go.I havent been thinking to much about it,minds been occupied the last couple of days.Thursday night I will be a wreck:weep: :weep:

This is something I have been terrified of for many years.:blush:

09-01-08, 23:59
Awwww hun.

Well done for not cancelling! Pleeeeeease dont cancel it! I had my results back and it was all clear! :yesyes:

I know it's not very nice but honestly it's over so quick.

Since I had mine in November, I got admitted to hospital with a Gynae problem and had to endure lots of examinations 'down there' by people I work with. Not nice but hey, I'm over it!:blush:

I was in the canteen the other day and saw the whole Gynae team having lunch. 'Oh no', I said to my colleague. She kindly replied, 'Don't worry dear, it's not your face they'll recognise'....:winks:

It will be over soon and you'll be so proud you went through with it.

Good luck xxx :flowers:

10-01-08, 00:26
Good for you!!! It will be all done in no time!

10-01-08, 03:30
Just wanted to give my experience. Its great that your keeping your appt. by the way! I was the same way with mine only i would make appts then cancel them all the time until a friend gave me an idea, she told me to talk to a mid wife so i did and she did my smear test, and where did she do it you may ask,,,,,,AT HOME! She was a great lady and she made me feel totally comfortable and ya can't beat the surroundings:) And she put the smear in an envelope then put it in the mail and it came back in 2 weeks!
Everything will be fine for you though, i think the anticipation is worse than the actual visit:hugs:

10-01-08, 09:24
Good Luck for tomorrow! :hugs: :flowers:
hope everything goes ok as it can go.

Take care,

10-01-08, 13:44
Thanks everyone.Tummy is going a bit today,Im drinking loads of camomile.I keep needing the loo,not sure if its the nerves or the camomile!!!!!!!:blush:

Im so flippin scared.This all goes back to when I was 14.I used to have really bad periods and period pains.A lady doctor tried to give me an examination down there:blush: :blush: and I was still a virgin.It was so painfull and embarrassing,and she didnt manage it.Ever since then Iv been terrified.

It caused a great deal of problems in the bedroom department.But through counselling and a very understanding and supporting partner I got over that side of things:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: But not until I was in my 30s.So this is why I have never had a smear.I did manage an examination last year though.:yesyes:

10-01-08, 13:48
you'll be ok :hugs:

anx xx

10-01-08, 14:24
Hi Ellen...

I think i was 18 when i had my first smear test, it wasn't the best experience of my life, slightly uncomfortable, but more embarrassing for a young girl, but in all honesty i have had soooo many since then including a couple of colposcopies (sp?) for a couple of abnormal smear tests but even that wasn't as bad as i was imagining it to be.

As most people have said, it last seconds and if you remember to relax the bottom half of your body and breeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaath slowly and deeply you WILL be fine. No clenching of the bum cheeks (automatic bodily response for me...lol)!

I wish you lots of luck ....


10-01-08, 17:13
I think I permanently clench my bum cheeks,part of anxiety I think!!!!:blush:
Sorting out me nice knickers to wear.Tummy is all over the place.will doing eft to night.

11-01-08, 09:21
O well nearly time to go.I feel awful,sick,tummy aches.Been in and out the loo all morning.I feel really light headed and very very anxious.Sweaty ect ect.

I know Im probably making a fuss,but Im scared.I have never made myself have one up to now.:weep: :weep: :weep:

11-01-08, 11:39
Well I went guys:yesyes: But Im totally gutted.I managed to stay pretty calm,and the doctor did the deed.When she got in there she couldnt take the smear because the part she needed to take it from was round the back of the cervix and it wouldnt turn.She went in again and tried,but she just couldnt get to the right part.She was so apologetic as she knew this was very hard for me.She also said this is quite common,theres me thinking Im abnormal.:blush:
she gave me an internal examination and said everything was fine.

She has now given me two options,either leave it or she can refer me to a geanacologist,who has a tilting bed which makes things easier.Iv got to think about it a let her know.

I just feel so down now,that I went for nothing.:weep: :weep:

Has anyone else had this problem please?

11-01-08, 11:59
Hi Ellen,
sorry things did not to go to plan but the main thing is that although you were really anxious about it you went and were prepared to have it done.
Some people do not even manage that.
At least now you know what to expect if you have to go again.
Well done for seeing it through.
all the best

11-01-08, 12:12
Awwww Ellen.

Well done you! :yesyes: You did so well to go through with it when you were so anxious. I hope that will ease your worries for next time a little.

Did the Doctor try a long speculum? You know the nasty windy metal thing....there are longer ones which make it easier to see the cervix in some women. I'm not sure exactly why she couldn't take it with you, but the first smear I had the nurse had to use the longer one as my cervix tilts backwards apparently.

Personally I'd see the gynaecologist. They are so used to seeing 'bits' in all shapes and sizes, they should be able to do it more easily. Whenever I've seen a Gynae they haven't had to bother with the longer one as they are more experienced. It might just make it quicker for you.

Anyway, well done again you did great!

xxx :flowers:

11-01-08, 15:28
Well done Ellen for going and not leaping off the bed once you realised you weren't the average cervix.

The gynaecolgoist will be fine cos' they do it all the time and have all the latest technology and equipment - which is probably why your Dr didn't want to continue in case she hurt you and scared you with her limited kit and thought in the long run it would better for you to see a specialist.

I think you did brilliantly xxxx

11-01-08, 15:49
Well done Ellen:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

I worry quite a lot cos I cannot have a smear test due to a large fibroid on the neck of my cervix:blush:

Oh the joys of being female:D

Kaz x x x:hugs:

11-01-08, 17:01
Iv never heard of tilted cervix,Im at aloss.She said the opening to the cervix was at the back!!!!!!!!!!:wacko: She tried two speculums,different sizes.These were plastic throw away ones.She said it all looked ok.Why did I have to be different!!!!!!!!!!!!:lac: Please tell me someone had a similar problem.

I know women have tilted wombs.

11-01-08, 17:46
Hey Ellen.

Please try not to worry too much. Cervixes are in slightly different positions in different women. They can be hard to reach depending on which way they are. They told me I had a 'retroverted uterus' long after I knew my cervix was in a slightly odd place :blush: If you think about it - if your womb is in a different position, the cervix will be also. It doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong - it's just the way we are made :) I'm trying to remember which way my cervix tilts - I think it's backwards also (I've never looked btw :winks:)

Honestly - I really don't think you need to worry about that. It would just be good to see a Gyn as they are so used to finding these things quickly and therefore saving your grief!

Take care xxx :flowers: