View Full Version : Sepsis fears

10-10-22, 00:24
Right don’t know what to do currently lying in bed nearly crying because of how torn I am. So basically all of September has been pretty shit health anxiety wise… I had 3 cold sores on my nose one after another.. literally 2 days gap between them so I’m assuming I run down. I then developed a blister from stupid winter boots that would not heal. It’s been 14 days and it’s still not completely healed but it’s getting there slowly now. Now today on the side of the same foot towards the sole there is an extremely sore spot feels like a blister or a stuck splinter. There is a little red circle and the pain is coming from there. No idea how Iv done it. Doesn’t seem to be a bite and it’s getting more painful. Also I woke up 6 days ago with pain in my groin. Everytime I lift my leg when it’s in a bent position it hurts. Doesn’t hurt to walk on ect just hurts when I lift it. So driving with my foot up and down on accelerator hurts for example. I did ponder if blister was infected and I had swollen glands in groin (it’s all on same side) but there are no lumps or bumps. Added to groin pain about 5 nights ago I got some niggling pain in my right stomach to side of stomach button… I pondered appendicitis but thought unlikely due to not being severe and coming and going. Now keep getting shooting pains in lower right stomach. However I get this pain when I have my very frequent ovarian cysts which are nearly always right sided. It’s all very vague I know. To top it off I have been feeling really wiped out lately like 1-2 weeks. Wake up tired, have a day nap of like 3 hours then go to bed late on and wake up tired again. Had a 3 hour sleep before and woke up with headache and generally feeling crap with all these little aches pains and niggles and my friend suggested maybe I have sepsis. It has sent me through the roof mentally.. although you wouldn’t think it if you could see me I’m just lying on my bed silently. This was on a group chat then my other friend private messaged me saying if you think you have sepsis you should go hospital. It’s like they don’t know me and how badly I can spiral. I just ignored the pair of them. I don’t know what to do to be honest. What do you guys think x

10-10-22, 02:49
Sars what I have been through the last year spent most of the time in hospital, I know you have Sepsis.
Your friend! Is that person a Physician.x

10-10-22, 07:58
Sars what I have been through the last year spent most of the time in hospital, I know you have Sepsis.
Your friend! Is that person a Physician.x

Hey Lola, is she heck 🤣 she’s in her first few weeks of an access course to nursing. She’s a mother of 2 little kids. Suppose some mums border on paranoia… she sent me off to paranoia land last night although I played it very cool and saved it for here instead of sending ranting messages and frantic phone calls to anyone who would listen 🙄

10-10-22, 08:10
I work with Access to Healthcare students, Sar. At this stage in the term they're mostly crying because they forgot to check where they saved their work. I wouldn't use them as a source of medical advice ;)

10-10-22, 08:25
I think that you're knackered physically and mentally? No restorative sleep and so more susceptible to spiralling when you're under the weather and "noticing" potential "red flags"?

maybe best not to talk about your health to friends who don't "get" HA? I'm sure they mean well but....

Are you wanting to contact your GP or trying to avoid a visit and sit this out? x

10-10-22, 08:57
Sars what I have been through the last year spent most of the time in hospital, I know you have Sepsis.
Your friend! Is that person a Physician.x

I meant to say You Do Not Have Sepsis :doh:

10-10-22, 14:21
I work with Access to Healthcare students, Sar. At this stage in the term they're mostly crying because they forgot to check where they saved their work. I wouldn't use them as a source of medical advice ;)
She’s usually crying because she’s argued with her boyfriend again and thrown his clothes out of window and there is street scenes 🤣 I love living on streets where there is one of those houses 🤣 she actually offered this diagnosis completely unsolicited… if she was in front of me I might of throttled her over it. However Iv chosen to blank her instead (very grown up of me)

10-10-22, 14:27
I think that you're knackered physically and mentally? No restorative sleep and so more susceptible to spiralling when you're under the weather and "noticing" potential "red flags"?

maybe best not to talk about your health to friends who don't "get" HA? I'm sure they mean well but....

Are you wanting to contact your GP or trying to avoid a visit and sit this out? x

I was thinking to perhaps sit it out. I started a new job today as I left my airport job. It’s just housekeeping in a hotel chain… I thought something none-taxing on the brain… ha it’s physically taxing Iv come home and I’m knackered ! My sister works there she’s tiny I kept coming across a floating trolley in the corridors and it was her bustling along 🤣 the woman who is training me has just come back today from having covid I’m cleaning rooms with her and she informed me she’s still having faint positives. I’m livid. Nothing I can do now I suppose. My foot is on fire from the none healing blister and the red painful patch which is getting larger. God knows what Iv done it feels like a blister but it’s not it’s incredibly sore. Foot has a pulse 🙄 groin in playing up… feel abit decrepit to be fair ! im home now and kicked off me shoes and ravaged a full pack of biscuits like an animal. Think your right because my friends either sort of laugh which makes me feel murderous or inadvertently encourage it by sort of agreeing with my fears if that makes sense x

10-10-22, 14:29
I meant to say You Do Not Have Sepsis :doh: Hahaha Lola I guessed that I’m not as irrational as Chlo x

10-10-22, 18:12
I was thinking to perhaps sit it out. I started a new job today as I left my airport job. It’s just housekeeping in a hotel chain… I thought something none-taxing on the brain… ha it’s physically taxing Iv come home and I’m knackered ! My sister works there she’s tiny I kept coming across a floating trolley in the corridors and it was her bustling along 藍 the woman who is training me has just come back today from having covid I’m cleaning rooms with her and she informed me she’s still having faint positives. I’m livid. Nothing I can do now I suppose. My foot is on fire from the none healing blister and the red painful patch which is getting larger. God knows what Iv done it feels like a blister but it’s not it’s incredibly sore. Foot has a pulse  groin in playing up… feel abit decrepit to be fair ! im home now and kicked off me shoes and ravaged a full pack of biscuits like an animal. Think your right because my friends either sort of laugh which makes me feel murderous or inadvertently encourage it by sort of agreeing with my fears if that makes sense x

If the red patch is growing outwards you could need some antibiotics? Might be worth a trip to the chemist for the pharmacist to take a look? I often need antibiotics after insect bites. Nothing sinister at all though, Sar..Being on your feet all day can't help either xx

10-10-22, 19:56
Yeah will see how it goes tomorrow and pop along Iv got to be at work for 9 so it will have to wait really. How are you x

10-10-22, 20:57
Sar - trust me, you don't have sepsis. I watched it kill my wife.

It overwhelms you very quickly, your temperature goes stratospheric and your blood pressure goes through the floor.

By all means get your foot checked though as that does sound like it needs treatment.

10-10-22, 23:31
Sar - trust me, you don't have sepsis. I watched it kill my wife.

It overwhelms you very quickly, your temperature goes stratospheric and your blood pressure goes through the floor.

By all means get your foot checked though as that does sound like it needs treatment. Hi, thanks for reply and I’m sorry about your wife, I knew she had passed but wasn’t aware of circumstances… sorry if the post caused you any grief. I’m going to call doctors in the morning and try and get past the gatekeepers to see if I can have an appointment. 🙄 Iv got a shift at 9am so will have to be after then. Dreading wearing shoes again Iv been on flip flops for about 12 days now or barefoot 🤣 armed myself with assorted compeed plasters in the hopes it won’t be as bad x

11-10-22, 08:14
It could well that be a course of antibiotics is needed so best to get an appointment after work? Tell them about the pain and being unable to wear shoes..Also that you have an autistic child so have to be on your feet a lot..x

11-10-22, 15:57
Hi, thanks for reply and I’m sorry about your wife, I knew she had passed but wasn’t aware of circumstances… sorry if the post caused you any grief. I’m going to call doctors in the morning and try and get past the gatekeepers to see if I can have an appointment.  Iv got a shift at 9am so will have to be after then. Dreading wearing shoes again Iv been on flip flops for about 12 days now or barefoot 藍 armed myself with assorted compeed plasters in the hopes it won’t be as bad x

Did you get past the gatekeepers? A pharmacist might actually be better placed to help you with your foot, to be fair.

No need to apologise btw, I've more-or-less accepted it now but I am still angry it wasn't spotted sooner.

Main thing is - you don't have it.

12-10-22, 22:00
Hi guys, got an appointment today. She gave me doxycycline as she said was blister was infected. Also referred me to the proper mental health team. Off to see a shrink I go. Started becoming rather poorly past few hours. Shivers, sore throat, leg and back ache, hideous headache, temp of 37.8… surely I can’t have covid already ? I only spent a few hours with the covid colleague on Monday morning. She wore a mask and apparently had only a very faint positive. 🙄 now I’m back to being paranoid sepsis is sinking in from said infected foot 🤨 I really do feel crappy mind. Lying in bed under a quilt and dressing gown shivering x

13-10-22, 08:00
Far more likely to be covid...i'm sorry, Sar. Have you got a test at home to do before your GP appt? Shame on your work colleague xx

13-10-22, 08:22
She wore a mask and apparently had only a very faint positive.


13-10-22, 23:46
Hi guys absolutely outraged I do have covid. Today I have missed my eyebrow micro blading appointment which I had to pay 25 quid as it was a last minute cancellation. I did ponder not paying it but then I won’t be able to book in a new appointment with her and she been doing my brows for past few years so it’s not really worth it. I text the boss and said look Iv got covid and she goes can you send me a pic of the test. The test is a very faint positive but it’s like a pregnancy test isn’t it. A positive is a bloody positive and she asked me to do another one tomorrow and send a pic of it. I’m angry as she knew this lady had faint positives and said it will be fine and still put me on training with her. She did come in to the room an hour later and started sayin you know if ur not comfortable Sarah you can go home and do your training on Friday/sat/sun but it was right in front of said covid colleague and was incredibly awkward for me ! So I was like nooo it’s fine. I did my training on second day with another lady and me and her where together for hours with no mask so I’m worried I have infected her now…. Although the little mean voice inside me says it would serve the manager right if all her staff caught covid now and caught her short.. but I know that’s unkind of me. I felt like I had been hit by a bus last night! Temp was like 38.3 the bloody shivers just wracked my whole body. Head was pulsating. It’s not as bad today, felt very ropey this morning but my partner absolutely insisted I get in the bath 🤣 I must of smelled dreadful from all the sweating and laying in bed. Today Iv been on and off usual covid stuff.. burst of energy then replaced by whole body weakness. I have just spent the last few hours irritably online shopping and now am like ooops. I have a serious spending problem. It seems to sooth my inner turmoil and anxiety the more things I put in my basket the more I feel the tightness leave my chest if that makes sense. I haven’t spent to much I have spent around 200 quid and it’s on Klarna … that’s not to bad is it ?

14-10-22, 08:27
It is if you haven't got the money to pay it back...I know that spending is "self medication" for you and in the short term you feel better..but it's very short term and you set yourself up for so many problems down the line..I know I sound boring but I'm just being honest.

You're going to feel rubbish with covid and I'm sorry you've picked it up at work but I think you have to avoid any more "easy" spending online?

14-10-22, 09:58
Seconding Pulisa; you want to avoid Klarna, because it will make things worse in the long run.

What I sometimes do is fill my basket and then remove all the items that don't feel really important; the choosing process helps me feel more in control and cuts my spending down to the bare minimum. With that said, I never use credit because it's a slippery slope and it scares me.

14-10-22, 12:36
Hi guys absolutely outraged I do have covid. Today I have missed my eyebrow micro blading appointment which I had to pay 25 quid as it was a last minute cancellation.

What is this microblading?

I don't actually have much in the way of eyebrows anymore. I went a bit overzealous with the tweezers in the 80s and Mother Nature has put her two penn'orth in with the meno, so I have to draw some on (and not always effectively) :ohmy:

I did make myself a decent pair out of some fuzzy felt once, for a joke. (I looked like Oddbod from Carry on Screaming) :roflmao: