View Full Version : Smear booked but how do I make myself go

11-10-22, 00:36
I had 2 abnormal smears with HPV several years ago. My latest one, which was 3 years ago, was normal but they sent a letter to say to still go in one year. I was so relieved it was normal, and found the whole process so blindingly stressful, that I told myself you're fine, don't go back. But I now have my new test booked for 1st Nov and I'm terrified, but I know I must go to be safe and hopefully for peace of mind. Has anyone some advice to make sure I go to this appointment?
Thank you and hope everyone is OK x

11-10-22, 00:36
Just to say, my abnormal smears were 'mild changes

11-10-22, 07:46
It’s tough, but mainly I think that the fear is worse the longer you leave it. Well done for booking, just go and get it over and done with. Then you can do forget about it for another year.

11-10-22, 08:47

I have definitely been where you are…

It’s never about the test for me it’s the results I also had a abnormal smear some years ago now but that caused me not to have a smear for 9 years 🤦🏻*♀️

My mam god love her used to practically beg me to go but I was too scared so I didn’t

For me since my mam died I’ve been trying to face my fears so to speak I always tell myself if what I’m frightened of happens it’s still going to happen even if I avoid it and maybe when it does finally catch up with me things could be a lot worse

Massive well done for booking that’s the first step and it’s a massive one take it one step at a time and you will see that before you know it it will be done and the worry over

I know I’m making it sound real easy and I know it’s not believe me I still struggle my niggles at the minute are the menopause and mammograms and this is only because I’m almost 50 I’m kind of waiting for something to happen

I am sure you are and will be fine remember the thing making you feel this way is anxiety and with little steps hopefully we can all learn to get little wins over it

Good luck and best wishes

Caz x

11-10-22, 21:42
Thank you both for replying.
Yes caz, for me it is the waiting as well, get myself completely unhinged. Flinching when the phone rings or the postman comes that its terrible news. Scass you're right, if it is normal I can put it to bed and get on with my life, there's not a day goes by I dont think about it and worry. Just hope I can get myself there on the day and not completely lose it waiting for result.
Caz, sorry to hear about your mum. Are you north east by any chance? Noticed you said Mam! I'm newcastle! X

11-10-22, 23:04

I wouldn’t put too much thought into whether you will go you WILL go because you know you can and your anxiety won’t win this time 💪🏻 I completely get the waiting for the phone call or postman I totally get like that too but oddly enough once you’ve been you will find you will worry less it will be done with

Thank you 😊 it’s been nearly 14 years now but she was such a massive part of my life I’m still trying to get by on advice I know she would have given me 🥰

No I’m not North east 😀 I’m midlands (Leicester) funnily enough I had a similar conversation with my kids the other day they all call me Mum as to why they don’t call me Mam 😂 my kids called her Mamar too 😊

Please nip back and let us know how you get on and you know where we are if you have a wobble before

Best wishes
Caz x

01-11-22, 22:35
Hi again,
So disappointed with myself. I cancelled smear test for today, I couldn't do it.
I'm obsessed with the idea that although my last was normal, it will have been a fluke and now its really bad. They wanted to see me after a year, to conclude normal and I guess get me back to 3 yearly. But I was so relieved I just didn't go back. And now it's this huge deal to me.
How do I make myself do this. I find the whole process, waiting for the results truly traumatising.

02-11-22, 01:35
Hi again,
So disappointed with myself. I cancelled smear test for today, I couldn't do it.
I'm obsessed with the idea that although my last was normal, it will have been a fluke and now its really bad. They wanted to see me after a year, to conclude normal and I guess get me back to 3 yearly. But I was so relieved I just didn't go back. And now it's this huge deal to me.
How do I make myself do this. I find the whole process, waiting for the results truly traumatising.

My mum had one which was abnormal, the next one was fine. (It happens a lot)

Nobody likes going for a smear. Mind you, it's the only action my vagina gets these days. :roflmao:

Having a smear takes seconds. It's mildly uncomfortable at worst. Then it's done. That part's over. A couple of weeks and you get the result.

Your last smear was normal so there's no reason why this one won't be. If you don't go, this will fester in your mind, and that will do far more damage than a few seconds in the surgery and a couple of weeks waiting on the results.

Book your appointment (ask for the earliest available one) and don't try and think your way out of it.

Keep telling yourself. 'I'm doing this'.

03-11-22, 09:10
Hi LF87 I can understand your fears and anxiety, I had my first smear at the ripe old age of 36, I didn’t have one before that not due to my health anxiety but other issues and for me finding it to painful, fast forward 2019 I managed to have one, at that time I had servere health anxiety and also other genealogical issues, the waiting for the results was the worst luckily for me they where here within ten days. Fast forward to October 2022, my gyno problems have Increased ( that’s being investigated separately) but I knew I had to have it done so on the 20th October I had it done, thinking results will come in ten days and they haven’t, and the gp haven’t received them either, obviously my mind is wandering did they find something hence the delay are they waiting to get me in to hospital hence no letter yet etc etc and with all these symptoms and no letter I’m scared and waiting for the post man like A mad women, so I understand your fears I really do but do I regret getting it done the answer is no, the anxiety and fear of waiting outrides the fact that if I didn’t have it done I’m putting my health in to more jeproady and more what ifs. I know it’s hard but get yourself booked in it’ll be fine and your previous one have been normal so there is no reason why this won’t be

04-11-22, 04:25
Hi again,
So disappointed with myself. I cancelled smear test for today, I couldn't do it.
I'm obsessed with the idea that although my last was normal, it will have been a fluke and now its really bad. They wanted to see me after a year, to conclude normal and I guess get me back to 3 yearly. But I was so relieved I just didn't go back. And now it's this huge deal to me.
How do I make myself do this. I find the whole process, waiting for the results truly traumatising.

If I had a £ for every time I’ve cancelled my dentist or hygienist appointment. I know it’s not quite the same, but my fear of going to the dentist has me avoiding it as much as I can, and my I fear that my teeth will be ruined because I didn’t go when I should have. So it’s sort of the same anxiety but different procedure. We fear the unknown result because it is unpleasant.

Book again, go and tell the nurse how anxious you are. They will understand, and do whatever they can to put your mind at ease. Better to do it now before Christmas starts to delay everything.

I’m going to see the dentist and the hygienist all in one mega appointment on the 11th. I’ve put it off once since the appointment was booked, I am going to try really hard to make this appointment. I’m wishing us both luck x