View Full Version : Constant tickle in throat bad cough ive tried everything but still coughing!

11-10-22, 23:22
Ive had enough of this tickly cough.
It started out as a cold so i had lemsip then i thought it had gone just the cough left which got worse coughing up phlem and so i lost my voice started to feel loss of energy, went to the walk in centre they said its just a cough viral thing which could hang around.
Then i was not able to sleep at night for the tickle in my throat causing coughing all night so im currently getting 2 -3 hours aleep if im lucky a night for the past few days now. Then blocked nose so i have to mouth breathe letting air hit my red raw throat from all the coughing. Ive tried calpol, difflam spray, lockets, strepsils, been put on a course of antibiotics. Had to call out an ambulance cause i felt i was struggling to breathe with all the coughing. They got me to do a covid test it was negative but they did chest listening, look down throat, blood pressure usual checks all fine clear chest no serious concern.
I now seem to have pulled a muscle in my left arm and my lower right abdomen like some one is sharp pricking it when i cough which hurts a lot for a little while each time.
Ive done steaming as well. Why is the tickle and cough still here after all that.
Also used sterimar to see if that would help blocked nose as i felt i could feel post nasal drip going down to throat.
Any suggestions much appreciated. Please and thank u

12-10-22, 00:28
Anybody ?

12-10-22, 06:24
It does sound like you've pulled a muscle from coughing. Try propping yourself up in bed at night and honey and lemon in warm water can be quite soothing on the throat.

Sometimes it takes a while to get shot of these things, plus our bodies have had a break from viruses with the isolation and social distancing of the last couple of years so they seem to be hitting people harder than pre-pandemic times.

13-10-22, 15:14
Try Manuka honey, Cocker. (Worked wonders on the pooch's kennel cough)