View Full Version : Weird head pain

12-10-22, 21:38
Hiya I've not been on here for a long time, my health anxiety is slowly creeping back, sometimes mostly in morn and eve when I bend down I get a pain side of ny head, also pain I my ears on off through day, I'm.worrying it's a brain tumour, I have an app with Dr tomo, but I'm sick of tbis taking over my life and I'm.scared if I ignore it its going to be something serious

13-10-22, 08:12
Hi Noo,

I've had decades of pain in my head and ringing in my ears, but no brain tumours.

The least likely cause of your issue will be a brain tumour, but HA takes us straight to what could potentially kill us - that's very much the nature of this beast.

When HA 'creeps back in' it's generally because we have a lot of stress going on in our lives and stress means symptoms, and these can be symptoms we haven't experienced before. Or, we do have a minor health issue going on that can easily be rectified with meds..

You're doing the right thing to get checked out by your doctor, simply because you have a valid health concern which is causing you pain.

Let us know how you get on today.

13-10-22, 20:46
Thankyou for replying, I had to cancel the doctor as something came up, not had the head pain but had the ear pain with dizzyness my jaw always clicks so have a feeling its tmj

14-10-22, 12:47
Thankyou for replying, I had to cancel the doctor as something came up, not had the head pain but had the ear pain with dizzyness my jaw always clicks so have a feeling its tmj

I have TNJ disorder. (And it does my head in!) :scared15:

My TMJ symptoms are...

Pressure in ears, especially the left
Tinnitus in both.
Teeth clenching
Dull ache down side of tongue.
Tingling on tip of tongue.
Throat pain. (Sometimes)
Face ache.
Clicking noise in left ear (and also right)
Jaw often feels less mobile.
I also often get pain in the area where the bone is at the back of the ear.
I have to wear a specially made mouth guard that makes it difficult to pronounce my words and Mr Bartty find that amusing. (I also drool when I'm wearing the buggering thing so I make sure I drool on his pillow ha ha)

Do you clench or grind your teeth?