View Full Version : I am BACK

15-10-22, 08:36
hi all

i am back after 10 years of no anxiety/ panic , thought i had kicked it to the kerb but not apparently. I had the worst panic attack on thursday during the night . It was the worst i have ever had palpitations and a burning sensation creeping up my body , well i did the worst thing and added more panic, so last night no sleep at all kept getting bursts of adrenalin and burning sensation but no palps

so her i go again as they say


15-10-22, 08:43
Hi Sammie, sorry to hear that anxiety is a problem for you again.

What's changed recently? (Has anything stressful happened to you or to someone you know?)

15-10-22, 08:48
Hi there

i have had a lot going on , during lockdown found out my dad was not my bilogical dad so stress around that. The menopause, a stressful job in the NHS. I think what set me off was my hubby and son have gone to Miami for two weeks. I suddenly realised i was alone (not quite i have 4 dogs) Having been married for 32 years we have never been apart. I think thats why i started again possibly !

15-10-22, 08:51
Hi there

i have had a lot going on , during lockdown found out my dad was not my bilogical dad so stress around that. The menopause, a stressful job in the NHS. I think what set me off was my hubby and son have gone to Miami for two weeks. I suddenly realised i was alone (not quite i have 4 dogs) Having been married for 32 years we have never been apart. I think thats why i started again possibly !

Blimey, there is some hardcore stress going on with you, Sammie. I'm not surprised your anxiety has ramped back up. I'm so sorry to hear about the situation with your dad, that must have been awful for you. The meno is a kick in the flaps on a good day, but for you, it will have made things so much worse.

What did you do to control your anxiety last time?

15-10-22, 09:34
I used Claire Weekes and a book by Paul David, hard work but it worked for over 10 years

16-10-22, 08:35
I used Claire Weekes and a book by Paul David, hard work but it worked for over 10 years

Claire Weekes is brilliant. (She wrote those books yonks ago but it's still all relevant)

How are you feeling today?

16-10-22, 10:03
Hi NoraB

I am much calmer i have started re reading my Claire Weeks books and going back to basics with the method an managed to sleep all nigt last night so hopefully i can kick it to the curb again , i am letting time pass

Thanks for asking , hope your ok too


16-10-22, 21:22
Crikey Sammie, as Nora says, that's enough to send anyone into a tailspin. Anxiety history or not. Not only the lockdown but finding that out too, wow. And now being home alone as it were. I'm sure you'll be able to get back on top of it with the Claire Weeks books, they really are very useful. Look after yourself.

17-10-22, 08:08
Hi NoraB

I am much calmer i have started re reading my Claire Weeks books and going back to basics with the method an managed to sleep all nigt last night so hopefully i can kick it to the curb again , i am letting time pass

Good to hear you got some kip in.

You're doing the right things to help yourself so things will improve over time. You just have to be consistent. :shades: