View Full Version : Acid reflux massively affecting my life

15-10-22, 11:43
Does anyone else suffered with BAD acid reflux? and if so, how does it affect you? And what has worked in terms of treating it?

my symptoms are:

Bitter taste in my mouth especially first thing in the morning

lump in throat feeling / globus sensation

throat spasms after eating, leading to occasional vomiting of saliva (sorry).

excessive saliva production

waking up coughing in the night with water in mouth :(

can anyone else relate at all??

Had an endoscopy not long ago which was normal. Symptoms have been put down to reflux. I’m really struggling!!
been on omeprazole for years but it’s never been this horrendous before, this has recently been changed to Lansoprazole. Not sure if it’s working yet though.

15-10-22, 12:40
Yes, I suffer with acid reflux, badly!!!
Avoid anything fatty, processed, oily.
Even chocolate can set it off. :(
I now take Apple Cyder Vinegar. But it has to be the good stuff. (Mother of & Earth). Dilute a spoonful in warm water and take every day.

20-10-22, 14:31
We are dealing with this in our household right now for some reason. My husband has had all the testing including upper GI - all is normal. But he has such terrible acid it makes it difficult for him to sleep. He's always coughing and clearing his throat. Gaviscon works a bit and PPIs worked for a while, but he doesn't want to take them long term.

I'm having it too but not as bad. For me the problem is a tickle in my throat and/or belching and I start to worry it's a heart problem.