View Full Version : Breast pain

chatty girl
18-10-22, 16:34
..I'm struggling really struggling. I've had this weird pain in my left boob on and off for a while, sometimes it's there sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's all up in my neck, shoulder and down my arm, sometimes it's all across my chest and top of my boob. Sometimes all of it aches. I've got a horrible job that since starting 4 years ago is slowly destroying me, I work in a Primary school kitchen, they expect so much out of us and it's sooo manual, if it wasn't for the great bunch I work with who are now my friends and the fact I get term time off with little man I'd jack it in! I've got tennis elbow etc because of the job but that has never effected my boob or chest before. Anyway I saw my doc twice and on the second she reluctantly referred me to the breast clinic, no lumps. I had my appointment Wednesday, the chap walked in the room and immediately said you know this is not a sign of breast cancer so makes me wonder what my notes said! He obviously had a good feel and nothing there, I said about my neck shoulder etc and he again said this isn't a sign of breast cancer maybe in very very advanced but I was there last year for a cyst so obviously had an exam then too, so he said doctor whoever would have felt something then. He said I don't need a mammogram, basically get primrose oil and a well fitting bra! He picked up on my anxiety so harped on about that too. I left there feeling OK, gave me leaflets about non cyclic breast pain etc. Next day I feel rubbish again, all the thoughts have crept back in. Nothing has changed. I've woken up this morning feeling awful. I'm going to speak to my doctor in the week but let's face it she's not going to do anything. I don't honestly know what I want anyone to say, maybe has anyone been through anything similar with their boobs? I'm absolutely convinced i have breat cancer, soend most of my day crying, for the first time in all his time at school i missed my little mans parents eveninv today, just forgot, my brains completely consumed by this Much love xx