View Full Version : Worried all the time

22-11-07, 21:01
Hi everone, I haven't posted for awhile but here I am again. I'm a mess, really nervous that there is something wrong with me but doc said there isn't, that I need to get counseling. Anyway, I keep getting these weird, weak type feelings in my arms and legs. I even feel lightheaded at times and just not right. Kind of hard to describe. I'm kind of freaked out about my blood pressure, always seems to be low, but docs assistant said not to worry about it. I'm just waiting for something drastic to happen to me. Does anyone get weak "weird" type feelings in their arms and legs as part of anxiety? Thanks for your help and advice.

Pink Panic
22-11-07, 21:42
Hi Shelly

I get the weak feeling you describe too .... mostly in my legs. It's horrid and makes me feel off balance and like they won't hold me up and I will fall over but I haven't yet. I have been told it's all down to anxiety but It still freaks me out when it happens. I do occassionally get weakness in my arms but that tends not to be as noticeable as the leg thingy.
Hope you get Counselling soon hun it's really helped me.

Take good care :hugs:


22-11-07, 21:48
me too , and sometimes my hands feel feeble , its a horrible sensation but just anxiety I think.

As for the low blood pressure ,I read a great tip in a book,
if its too low you can take some sea salt to raise it , and it worked :yesyes: .

Hope you feel better soon
