View Full Version : UTI, kidney infection, something else? Scared!

20-10-22, 16:16
I'm going out of my mind with worry right now. For the last week and a half I had some bladder symptoms which were mainly frequency and a constant need to go, I finally spoke to a GP who wanted me to send off a sample but because I felt really rough yesterday I ended up going to the urgent care with a raging temperature of 39.7C (around 103.5F), nausea and bladder frequency as well as some abdominal discomfort. I was there 6 hours just for them to diagnose it possibly as a urine infection by dipstick, they did tests for kidney function and CRP (both which came back apparently fine?) I was sent away with a prescription for antibiotics but the pharmacy was closed and I wasn't able to get any sorted to be delivered until this afternoon (right now it's 4pm) and can't take it until later on tonight. But this morning I woke up after a slightly better sleep last night with a temperature of over 38C (100.4F), shaky, nausea, discomfort, light-headedness, and fatigue. I then went to the toilet (bowel motion) and noticed some possible reddy mucus color which concerned me as I noticed this on Sunday as well a few days ago. Obviously my anxiety peaked at this point too imagining all kinds of things wrong. I haven't eaten much today at all except a few crackers, a lollipop for some sugar, and a biscuit. I know this probably doesn't help things either. I've been trying to drink water and have taken some paracetamol this afternoon around 2pm but my temperature hasn't come down much. Honestly, I was concerned because I didn't even think UTI and fever were a thing unless you have a kidney infection. I suffer with recurrent UTI and I've never had the temperature before.

I'm worried in case whatever it is they misdiagnosed and now the infection will take over my body?? I did the silly thing and googled about sepsis which panicked me more. But if I had something that bad surely it would have been picked up yesterday?
I'm also worried about the bowel mucus in case it's blood and is a possible stomach infection.. I did have some bad stomach pain on Saturday night which has been a little painful every time I eat a normal sized meal.

I'm waiting for the urgent care telephone healthcare line to call back but I know that can take up to 12 hours at times. So I just figured I'd write here and see if anyone has felt similar or to get some reassurance maybe.. idk.

20-10-22, 19:07
Update: doctor from the urgent health called back, fairly useless though as couldn't answer any of my worries and didn't want to commit to reassuring me about anything. So it's actually made me MORE paranoid haha especially worried that I might develop or have developed sepsis etc. I'm so worried that something was missed since I felt worse today than yesterday even. Surely if they did my CRP and something was wrong it would have shown up for them?

I have had an ongoing skin infection that hasn't gone away.. I was on fucidic cream for a week but it never fully went and I've only been applying it every other day since my GP told me to, but now I'm worried it's spread..

I've been light-headed all day with some nausea on and off and a temperature as well as chills on and off and it's terrifying me, I can't even do any of my usual tasks or hobbies.
I just took an antibiotic finally even though it's unlikely I'll be able to take the next dose in the 12 hours stated.

20-10-22, 19:54
Hi there so sorry to hear you are feeling so bad-you sound very anxious. I think you are getting yourself into a state about a few different things here. You can definitely feel like you are from a urine infection especially the temperature and chills. However, things like light headedness and nausea are often caused by anxiety. The skin condition is totally separate and is unlikely to be connected to how you are feeling now.

You really need to try and eat something, you will feel weak just picking on bits. Its highly unlikely you have sepsis after having bloods done yesterday so please try to get that out of your mind-easier said than done I know! Keep off google, you will not find reassurance there. Keep taking your anti;b's and try and have a good nights sleep. Hopefully they will kick in by the morning and you will start to feel better.

20-10-22, 21:33
Hi there so sorry to hear you are feeling so bad-you sound very anxious. I think you are getting yourself into a state about a few different things here. You can definitely feel like you are from a urine infection especially the temperature and chills. However, things like light headedness and nausea are often caused by anxiety. The skin condition is totally separate and is unlikely to be connected to how you are feeling now.

You really need to try and eat something, you will feel weak just picking on bits. Its highly unlikely you have sepsis after having bloods done yesterday so please try to get that out of your mind-easier said than done I know! Keep off google, you will not find reassurance there. Keep taking your anti;b's and try and have a good nights sleep. Hopefully they will kick in by the morning and you will start to feel better.

Thank you! I definitely have been getting in a bit of a state haha.. I know it's unlikely to be the worst case scenario but I get overly worried when I experience symptoms I've not before. As someone who has frequent UTIs, to get bad temperature and chills is so out of the blue, I didn't even know it could happen with a UTI (only thought it was due to kidney infection, which I was panicking about)

I have eaten a main meal so I'm hoping I will feel a bit more like my usual self soon. I also will have to force myself to keep off of google as it tends to just stress me out more!
Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in soon and I'll be able to sleep a bit better soon too. It makes sense that the blood tests they did should technically have ruled out anything potentially serious. Thanks for pointing that out lol.

21-10-22, 14:06
So I'm feeling even more anxious now since seeing the GP. They seem unable to figure out the problem, and my urine culture came back negative. Because I have a skin infection they want me to stop taking my current antibiotic and switch me to taking Clarithromycin even though it might not cover for a UTI (because it's up in the air whether i have one or not..)
However I ended up with some female issues in the meantime which the GP suspects is an STI (even though I haven't been sexually active in years). Said I should go to a clinic but none of them have appointments today. So now I'm stuck wondering what the hell is wrong with me as still running a temperature, still feeling unwell and rundown, light-headed, loss of appetite, shaky, nausea, recurrent bladder pain, stomach pain, anxiety on top of it.. and no idea what the best option is. I don't wanna get antibiotic resistant by taking a different one or end up ignoring if the UTI is actually just not picked up by the culture. I don't want to leave the STI thing if it's really an STI (he seemed to have no idea tbh.. wish I'd been able to get a woman consultant)

I'm so fed up and lost and worried... I've completely lost interest in everything.

25-04-23, 23:55
Hi, did you get this sorted? Having a similar experience!