View Full Version : Health Anxiety taking over my life

23-10-22, 22:33
Hi All,

I’m a 30 year old male, married and a father of one, that has been going through a ton of Health Anxiety fears and just need to speak to people that are having the same experience,

So where to begin , in May 2021 my wife was unfortunately diagnosed with a rare Cancer, we are still currently living with this and coming to terms with the whole ordeal. For the first 6 months I really felt like I was coping well but around December 2021 everything began to spiral out of control.

At first I started to notice spasms all over my body from my legs and shoulders that would happen continuously throughout the day. So what did I do, that’s right look at Dr. Google , big mistake . Then and still to this day I’ve got a strange dull ache in my right side of my stomach in line with my Belly Button that also is felt in my flank and my lower back some pints my right testical also aches like crazy . Naturally I had contacted the doctors, so I’ve had every blood test you can think , I’ve had 3 separate stool samples and also urine samples all clear , also a clear ultrasound .

After this I started to feel like I was getting back on track almost as if hearing the clear ultrasound gave me some Tiny release.

Since then I’ve had the following

Constant change in bowel habits
Constant itchy skin
Milky taste in mouth lasting weeks.
I’ve collapsed 3 times when on the toilet .
Chronic back ache
Hand Tremors
Brain fog
Panic attacks

I really just want to feel normal again, I’ve never had to deal with any form of anxiety really and
I’ve had to take some time off work to deal with everything that is going on. I’m worried to death that I will get Ill also and my child won’t have either me or my wife.

When my child gets Ill this sends me spiralling also as she’s had a lump in her neck for a while that the doctors have checked yet I can’t seem to believe them.

Thank you for taking your time to read I just really would appreciate any help.


24-10-22, 21:03
Firstly I’m so sorry to hear of your wife’s diagnosis. I hope that she’s on the road to recovery? It really isn’t surprising that you feel this way after what you’ve been through. Have you looked into counselling? In a lot of areas you can self refer now and hopefully it will help to make sense of your thoughts and feelings.

I’ve had the same stomach pain in the exact same place as you for a couple of years now that my doctor isn’t concerned about and I’ve now put down to IBS which I’ve had for 10 years. Is this something that’s been mentioned to you? A lot of your symptoms do sound anxiety related and hopefully with some counselling and/or medication you will probably find they lessen or disappear.

28-10-22, 00:54
Hi Melie,

Thank you for taking the time to reply I’ve looked at booking in for counciling this coming week . Hopefully it can get me on the right track