View Full Version : 44 years old missed period, cramping, not pregnant

24-10-22, 18:52
Any women have this happen to them?

44 years old, nine days late for period. I am always on time and always regular. Pregnancy test was negative. I do have some mild cramps, but period is not coming and I'm so scared something is wrong. Does anyone have any advice?

24-10-22, 18:56
Honestly? Accept that you’re 44 and weird periods are going to happen. From experience, you need to learn acceptance as soon as possible - I nearly drove myself mad until I worked this out.

24-10-22, 20:53
I suffer from terrible health anxiety, I definitely do accept that this is most likely due to perimenopause, but wanted reassurance from any women who missed their periods and still get cramps frim it.

25-10-22, 20:12
I suspect it’s an age thing, you’re right there at the peri menopause age.

If you don’t already log your periods then Noe’s the time to start, also any symptoms that are different from usual. After a few months go and see your doctor & show them your findings, and they can probably confirm.

My periods were ALL over the place from mid 40s.

26-10-22, 15:57
Sounds like the onset of the meno to me, Candy.

Before you know it, you'll be growing a moustache, sweating for Britain, and putting gravy granules in your mug instead of coffee. :yesyes:

26-10-22, 16:50
I actually checked yesterday that I couldn't sign up for Movember,it's rotten that women in peri can't participate.

27-10-22, 10:07
I actually checked yesterday that I couldn't sign up for Movember,it's rotten that women in peri can't participate.

Mine's coming along nicely, Blue.

Also, my 13-year-old son is growing a beard for school. (He's been shaving for over a year). :yesyes: