View Full Version : Visual disturbances post retina detachment.

24-10-22, 22:01
Hello. I'm feeling so anxious at the moment. I have to make an appointment for a clinic physiology appointment...I think.
Background...2009 I had an op for a detached retina. It was all a success. Since then I have had various eye symptoms which I guess I've learnt to ignore such as
- twinkling in the sky
-odd little shimmers
-Blue outline to certain objects if I look at them funny.
- an orb? I'm not sure what it is travelling g across vision
-flickering/static especially in the dark
For ages I didn't notice any and thought they had stopped then end of Aug I got the light (orb) travelling across my vision mostly morning, middle of night if I get up, but also when I've felt more anxious than normal or out in an environment with low lightening and bright lights.
This made me hyper aware and I am noticing every little thing.
Because of my history, I went to a and e in Aug, the doctor checked carefully and saw nothing wrong, suggested I saw the specialist I saw years ago because of my past. I did 4 weeks later and he couldn't find anything but because I was anxious said he would do a field test and another one that tested how my eyes react to light. I have had the field test but not results. I almost had a full blown panic attack during it. Now I have a letter telling me to book the second test
I went into full blown panic....
The specialist told me not to worry and thinks its due to my treatment years ago but I don't understand why it came back. The anxiety is making it worse and making it hard for me to focus on my life in general.

So sorry for long post but please has anyone here any advice, similar stories and/or had retina detachment with visual.disturbances after?
Thank you for replies in advance xx