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View Full Version : Pinkish red diarrhea/colan cancer fear

25-10-22, 16:09
Hi all - I know I post here a lot, I just get very paranoid scared about this kind of thing. Had a slight stomach bug yesterday that became full on watery diarrhea last night. That said, the more I went the more it became a pinkish/red liquid. I'm terrified it's blood. That said, it's worth noting that I ate a bag of twizzlers prior and I've read red licorice can have that effect. Can anyone help reassure? Have no idea what blood in stool looks like so anything that looks reddish sends me into a tailspin.

25-10-22, 16:18
You ate red licorice. This is cause and effect, nothing to worry about.

25-10-22, 16:22
Thank you BlueIris. I've read some of your replies on other posts and they always help! Colon cancer has always been a huge fear of mine (uncle had it) so I'm very sensitive to anything stomach or stool related. It's pretty rare at 38, correct?

25-10-22, 16:26
Very rare, yes. I always panic after I pee pink when I've eaten beetroot :)