View Full Version : Is my mini-pill causing my anxiety and depression to worsen?!

25-10-22, 22:32
Hey... I recently started (1 week and a half ago) on the mini-pill, desogestrel, on the advice of the gynaecologist because I was having really bad pelvic floor pain/gas like feelings around ovulation time for like a week. He said this would be the appropriate action to take for my symptoms, and would hopefully help. I actually have found my period is muuuuuch lighter, which is a blessing, BUT my anxiety and depression has worsened hugely. I've been crying more often (like almost daily) and worrying excessively about tthings, my health anxiety has also worsened a LOT. I ended up in the urgent care and since then have really noticed how I've been feeling really rundown, more nauseous and out of it, light-headed more often, having worsening symptoms of my chronic health issues, (although my bladder issues were kind of worsening before I started it so I guess I can't really link that to it).

Since taking it I've also ended up with some weird blister like ulcer things around my genital area, which I ended up going to the sexual health clinic to be tested but was told it could be an allergy to something?? I'm not sexually active, but I was worried about an STI flaring up (if I had one) after I had had the flu jab recently (I seem to get latent viruses/infections flare up after getting boosters). She said it's unlikely to be anything like that but took swabs. However, the only new things I've started were d-mannose and the mini-pill, so nothing much else could have caused it.

Anyway, as said my moods have been a bit erratic lately, and it didn't really click until tonight that maybe the pill is the thing causing this. I'm on sertraline/zoloft for anxiety and depression for many years now and have been mostly stable for the majority of the time (with the odd health anxiety dip and feeling down occasionally). It's not been this bad for a long long time tho.

Previously I was on the combined pill and I stopped it due to HPV, as I was afraid that taking it had heightened my risk for it. That also was diagnosed soon after my covid booster though. (The notorious viruses again..)

Anyway, I wondered if anyone else had any experiences with this pill and if it mellowed out eventually? I'll give it a shot for a bit longer, as I need to see if it will help my pain, but if my anxiety doesn't calm down I don't know whether I would want to stick with it for long.
