View Full Version : Anal fissure worries

27-10-22, 12:06
Hello, I’m having a really hard time with my health anxiety at the moment. I’m also 5 months pregnant so everything is causing me to feel even more anxious than normal.

Two days ago I went for a bowel movement and it was of a large size and it was very painful and there was a small amount of blood. I checked the area and can see two tears on the top and bottom of the opening of the anus. So i can see I have some tears there which is causing the pain and blood. I’ve had anal fissures a few times before so im not new to this. Last one I had was in July and I went to the doctors because of it due to my anxiety where I was given an examination and was told high fibre diet and pain killers. That fissure healed and I was fine until this new one, I’m on day 3 now and my anxiety with it is sky high all I keep thinking is cancer. I feel so sick with the worry along with having pain in my bum, I’ve been applying ointment to reduce the pain which helps but my mental health is messed up completely. Tomorrow I have my scan and will find out the babies gender and I don’t even want to go now. Isn’t that terrible? All because of my health anxiety it ruins the happiest of events. I don’t know what to do now, don’t know my next move. Should I call my doctor or should I wait it out till next week to see if the fissure issue improves. I don’t want to fuel this anxiety by running off to the doctors straight away I wanted to try and deal with it myself but my mental health is crap anyway without this issue. I feel so low lately and have had thoughts of suicide I’m ashamed to admit but I just don’t see any hope for my mental health atm. It just feels like doom and gloom all the time.
Don’t really know what I’m looking for on here but it feels good to write it all out because I don’t have anyone to talk to about this. I’m very alone.

02-11-22, 11:23
Queen of issues back there. I’ve had so many fissures and lumps and bleeding incidents back there. I have a proctologist which says a lot.

1. You’re pregnant (congrats) so the extra weight the baby is placing on you is causing the fissures and if I had to guess hemorrhoids. This is totally normal and will resolve itself after pregnancy. It can take a year to fully heal

2. This doesn’t scream cancer at all. Ask your doctor about cream you can use. I’m not sure what’s safe for the baby but they have cream you can insert with applicator and it is a good send.

3. You’re also pregnant so your mental health is ping ponging all over the place making you feel more intense emotions. Depression during and after pregnancy is real. You have so much to love for and your baby needs you. You’re going to be okay.

4. After all my issues (I actually had a mass down there), I’ve had all were benign annoyances which I’m grateful to God for. I also had a a colonoscopy last December and it was normal which surprised me considering all my issues.

03-11-22, 08:31
Thank you for your reply :) I’ve calmed myself down from the thinking it’s cancer. I can see the fissures, one is nearly healed and the other one bled today after a bowel movement that was large. Was scared at first because I saw blood but saw the blood was coming from the cut. Bit annoying when past five days I’ve had no issues :( I did eat rubbish past two days so gotta go back to eating better food again and use cream again.
I also have hemmaroids :( so annoying and not pleasant looking at all! But they aren’t painful just really ugly lol

03-11-22, 12:36
The anxiety is starting to rise now and now I’m also getting a fear of having bowel movements because of the blood.
I had another bowel movement after lunch and it didn’t hurt just stung a bit because of the open cut and there was blood. It’s the blood that scares me the most :( blood coming from that area of my body worries me. I know it’s from the cut as I can see it bleeding and open but it’s still so scary. I’m trying to make sure I eat foods that will keep my poo soft so i don’t need to strain. Just wish this wasn’t happening to me it’s stressing me out a lot! It’s a constant worry every time I have to go. Scared to even eat because I don’t want to keep opening up the cut every time I have to go toilet. Wish I could heal it quicker! I’ve been using a cream for it and I hope it helps it. I really don’t want to have to bother with doctors. It causes me so much anxiety :(
I thought everything was ok because for 7 days I was having normal bowel movements and no blood and then this happens :( feel cursed. It’s like as soon as I start getting better with my anxiety and feeling happy again something rubbish like this happens to ruin it. Think I will wait the next few days see how things go and if Monday it’s still concerning me I will contact my doctor :( I don’t want a finger prod up there!! It’s so embarassing! I’ve had it done before but it’s the thought of it just makes me cringe!

04-11-22, 07:03
Woke up this morning terrified because I had to have a bowel movement and was praying so bad that all would be ok. The poo was soft barely any kind of pain and should have been fine but no when I checked the toilet I could see blood on the poo :( I feel doomed now. I checked my bottom and could see the cut there but didn’t seem to be visibly bleeding and there was some blood on tissue paper when I wiped. Whilst sitting there I felt I needed to pass more stool and this time there was no blood on it. I don’t know what to think but my anxiety mind is thinking the absolute worst! Why when I’m pregnant does this have to happen it’s going to cause me so much stress! I’ve contacted the doctors and a doctor will contact me between today and Monday the latest. I asked for my doctor specifically because she knows about my health anxiety and will know how best to deal with me without causing me too much fear.
I was really hoping this problem would go away but seems it isn’t :(

04-11-22, 09:13
Sorry that I keep posting but it’s the only outlet I have at the moment to air my concerns. I received a text from the gp saying a telephone appointment has been booked for me with a gp on Saturday at 9am this has really worried me because it’s a weekend so does that mean they are concerned :( I’m so so scared and don’t know how manage this fear. I feel like I want to disappear the weight of this worry on my shoulder is making me ill, I really can’t deal with this whilst being pregnant.

So I had another bowel movement this afternoon, didn’t really hurt only a little stings from little cuts/fissures around opening and when I checked my poo there was no blood or when wiping although there was a nice chunk of red pepper from yesterday dinner that nearly gave me a heart attack!!

04-11-22, 16:22
Of course it doesn't mean they are 'concerned', well not about your tiny bit of blood from a constipation session (which SO many people get all the time) ! Of course they might be doing a call as quickly as they can because you are pregnant and very anxious, and you certainly have got yourself very worked up, they are more likely to be viewing calming your fears as of primary importance. They did say they'd call between today and Monday, and Saturday is certainly between today and Monday. Our surgery is open Saturday am as usual. Honestly, this is no big worry, and is so common in pregnancy with the changes in bowel habits that it causes - sadly menopause does the same for many women :( I really think if you step back from this, think back to the fact that you've had this before, just the same, that the 'cancer fear' thing should fade away. There is literally no way this is cancer, AT ALL, there is an absolute cause and effect here ! You know clearly the cause of this problem, why invent something else ? They will no doubt want to hear about how bad the little cut/s are and maybe offer you something to stool soften. Bowel Cancer won't even be on their radar - and why would it ??

04-11-22, 17:06
Of course it doesn't mean they are 'concerned', well not about your tiny bit of blood from a constipation session (which SO many people get all the time) ! Of course they might be doing a call as quickly as they can because you are pregnant and very anxious, and you certainly have got yourself very worked up, they are more likely to be viewing calming your fears as of primary importance. They did say they'd call between today and Monday, and Saturday is certainly between today and Monday. Our surgery is open Saturday am as usual. Honestly, this is no big worry, and is so common in pregnancy with the changes in bowel habits that it causes - sadly menopause does the same for many women :( I really think if you step back from this, think back to the fact that you've had this before, just the same, that the 'cancer fear' thing should fade away. There is literally no way this is cancer, AT ALL, there is an absolute cause and effect here ! You know clearly the cause of this problem, why invent something else ? They will no doubt want to hear about how bad the little cut/s are and maybe offer you something to stool soften. Bowel Cancer won't even be on their radar - and why would it ??

Thank you so much for your reply!
I think I just got a surprise to see them give me a Saturday appointment as I’ve never had one before. But my anxiety mind told me no it’s because they are really concerned 😟
All I can do is wait for the phone call in the morning, trying to stay as calm as possible. The mornings are the worst for me though with my anxiety I freeze with fear, can’t move, heart beats fast, feel sick and vomit, it’s terrible. Luckily my partner will be here in the morning with me so I have some support if I get a panic attack. I just hate the way I feel because of the kids I don’t ever want them to see me in that state or worry about me in any way.
I think if I didn’t have kids I wouldn’t be so crazy with anxiety because it would just be myself to worry about but they are my first thought when ever I’m worrying about my health :( and being pregnant makes it all even worse!!

04-11-22, 19:16
Spiralling a bit now kids have gone to bed :( I mostly worried about not being listened to properly or nothing being done to resolve my worries. I don’t want this issue to drag on with no answers because it’s going to cause me a lot of stress and being pregnant I’m so worried about the affect this will have on baby. I don’t even know what doctor I’m speaking to tomorrow I really wanted to talk to my own doctor because she knows me well and everything that’s going on with me. I think if I’m not happy tomorrow I will get my doctors to call me on Monday.

04-11-22, 21:41
I had another bowel movement after my tummy feeling a bit iffy from anxiety :( and I thought I saw blood but it was the red peppers from yesterday!!! Never thought I would be someone who inspected their poo but hey here I am 👋
I feel a bit shaky now and anxious, tummy feels sick and I keep getting twitches in my legs all anxiety related :( the morning is going to be worse!!!!!

04-11-22, 23:09
Go back and read Scaredtoo's (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?249038-Anal-fissure-worries&p=2059350#post2059350)comment as many times as you need to. That says it all. You obviously realize it's the dragon breathing fire down your neck and you truly know deep down you're Ok so take that to heart as well as a few deep breaths and you'll be fine.


05-11-22, 07:09
Go back and read Scaredtoo's (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?249038-Anal-fissure-worries&p=2059350#post2059350)comment as many times as you need to. That says it all. You obviously realize it's the dragon breathing fire down your neck and you truly know deep down you're Ok so take that to heart as well as a few deep breaths and you'll be fine.


Yes I know it’s just the health anxiety that is taking over! It’s a terrible illness! I woke up in an absolute panic this morning vomiting and diarrhoea all from anxiety but on the plus side there was no blood!! I thought if there was truly something bad there would be blood in that too! Last few bowel movements haven’t had blood. It was just the times when the stool was more formed so probably irritating my fissures or piles.
Well I have a phone call at 9am from the doc today so I guess I will wait and see what they say.

05-11-22, 09:21
Spoke to a doctor on the phone she was really nice and reassured me a lot. She said she’s not concerned about cancer and that everyone always thinks bleeding from back passage is automatically cancer but can be for so many other reasons.
She said she can do a finger check for me and to check for fissures and piles because sometimes fissures can be a cause for something else but nothing cancerous.
I will be going to the doctors later today to be checked which will hopefully make me feel a bit better. I just hope nothing bad is found and that it’s just fissures or piles.

05-11-22, 11:23
Great ! Do update after you have seen her.

05-11-22, 11:45
Here at the doctors now, my tummy is churning with nerves. Absolutely hate that feeling! I hope everything will be ok!

05-11-22, 12:28
I'm sure it will.

05-11-22, 16:28
The doctor gave me the finger examination and said everything felt fine. She said I have to give a stool sample to check for any inflammation. She said this will be the final examination and that she isn’t worried about anything to do with cancer.

But I checked up on stool samples and one of the reasons is to check for blood in the poo which could mean cancer i’m scared now. She said she wasn’t looking for that and didn’t believe it would return any positive resultS for anything.

Now I’m thinking she’s lied to not worry me.

I have to do the poo sample on Monday I hope I can actually go because with this anxiety my appetites off and I’m not really eating :(

Was hoping this ordeal would be over but seems it’s not :(

05-11-22, 16:38
Its still nothing to do with cancer ! Stool samples and 'looking for inflammation' are things like Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, Colon infections, Colitis etc

She said she wasn’t looking for that and didn’t believe it would return any positive resultS for anything.

Doctors aren't allowed to LIE to people, its against their code of ethics !

She is covering all possible bases, just to be absolutely sure there isn't some inflammation causing the problems.

05-11-22, 16:39
Its still nothing to do with cancer ! Stool samples and 'looking for inflammation' are things like Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, Colon infections, Colitis etc

Doctors aren't allowed to LIE to people, its against their code of ethics !

She is covering all possible bases, just to be absolutely sure there isn't some inflammation causing the problems.

Ok I will stop reading into things that aren’t there, honestly wish my anxiety brain would get lost lol

05-11-22, 21:06
Still feeling a bit worried 😟 why am I like this? I should be happy that I had a clear examination but my mind is telling me I can’t relax :( I think because they want me to give the stool sample it’s making me think there is concern :( and I’m scared they will find worse and make me go for even more tests.

05-11-22, 21:44
Isn't the whole point about going to the Doctor, to have your concerns taken seriously, check you, do tests needed, treat you, make you better ? Going to any medic, many HA people think, is simply about going to be reassured and told everything is 100 percent nothing. Thats not actually why people without HA go to the doctor, they go to have concerns taken seriously, to be checked, to have any tests needed and to be treated/made better. This GP is doing their job, and doing it properly, thats surely what you actually want - rather than someone giving a cursory 'yeah, off you go' and actually having a problem that needs some cream, dietary change/additive or medicine. They are 'ruling things out' , just to be sure, and one of those things being ruled out is NOT cancer !

05-11-22, 23:20
Isn't the whole point about going to the Doctor, to have your concerns taken seriously, check you, do tests needed, treat you, make you better ? Going to any medic, many HA people think, is simply about going to be reassured and told everything is 100 percent nothing. Thats not actually why people without HA go to the doctor, they go to have concerns taken seriously, to be checked, to have any tests needed and to be treated/made better. This GP is doing their job, and doing it properly, thats surely what you actually want - rather than someone giving a cursory 'yeah, off you go' and actually having a problem that needs some cream, dietary change/additive or medicine. They are 'ruling things out' , just to be sure, and one of those things being ruled out is NOT cancer !

Yes you are so so right!! And she even said it would be the last examination so I don’t know why I’m acting this way. I need to get the sample done on the Monday and stop thinking too deeply about things! Thank you for your reply it means a lot to me :)

06-11-22, 07:16
Having a dilemma atm, I’ve got anxiety belly which is causing me to have diarrhoea! How do I stop this so I can have a normal poo to give a stool sample!!!

06-11-22, 13:52
Feeling so down :( worrying constantly about going for a bowel movement. This is so unbelievably stressful. I’m worried I won’t be able to go and give a stool sample because of it.

06-11-22, 14:46
Many people can't do them to order, and some people aren't even that regular, so I guess they'll have to wait until you have one ;)

06-11-22, 14:56
Many people can't do them to order, and some people aren't even that regular, so I guess they'll have to wait until you have one ;)

Lol!! It’s because it’s on my mind so it’s all I’m thinking about, when it happens it happens I guess.

06-11-22, 17:20
I’m feeling a little better now because I managed to go toilet and it was easy with no pain or blood completely normal.
Hope it stays this way 🤞🏻

06-11-22, 19:38
I’m feeling a little better now because I managed to go toilet and it was easy with no pain or blood completely normal.
Hope it stays this way 爛

My bowels have been wonky since cancer treatment 10 years ago. Heck, I just went 5 days without pooping for goodness sakes, and when I finally did, it wasn't pleasant I assure you! Its part of my 'new normal' and as NoraB said on another thread "So What?". I have an explanation as you do, Mine are side effects from cancer treatment and your's are caused by a condition called anxiety (add to that the physical changes of pregnancy) and one of the primary symptoms are digestive issues. There are literally hundreds of pages of it here on the forum.

Frankly, at this point the choice is up to you. You can 'choose' to fixate on a non-issue or not :shrug:


06-11-22, 23:02
My bowels have been wonky since cancer treatment 10 years ago. Heck, I just went 5 days without pooping for goodness sakes, and when I finally did, it wasn't pleasant I assure you! Its part of my 'new normal' and as NoraB said on another threat "So What?". I have an explanation as you do, Mine are side effects from cancer treatment and your's are caused by a condition called anxiety (add to that the physical changes of pregnancy) and one of the primary symptoms are digestive issues. There are literally hundreds of pages of it here on the forum.

Frankly, at this point the choice is up to you. You can 'choose' to fixate on a non-issue or not :shrug:


I’m concerned about blood when I have bowel movements :( and now I’ve been asked to give a stool sample for recurring anal fissures..
the doctor said it checks for inflammation which could be caused by chrons or ulcerative colitis which I don’t believe I have as I don’t have symptoms of them.
Only symptoms I’ve had are pain when the stool is coming out (feels like glass) and I think it’s because I had a fissure on the opening which I saw blood coming from. I wasn’t that concerned about this, but it’s when the blood was on my actual stool is when I became frightened as I’m not sure if the blood came from the fissure or elsewhere :(

I’ve had fissures before and wasn’t bothered by them, but I never had health anxiety then!
I first got a fissure after the birth of my son who is now 10, so that was ten years ago! I’ve only began to really take notice of fissures when I got a particularly bad one in March that left the toilet bowl splattered with blood, that terrified me.
Then I got another in July, was told it was piles from a rectal exam and then October another fissure which I thought had healed but then a few days ago was bleeding and blood was on stool. I’m scared recurrent fissures are a sign of something bad :(

07-11-22, 05:52
Trying to collect a poo sample is really stressing me out and making me more anxious. I’m either terrified to poo so nothing happens or I have anxiety belly giving me runny poo. I managed to get a small bit but now I’m concerned it’s not enough. Literally wanted to vomit getting it.
This is too much stress on me whilst being pregnant, all I want to do is relax and enjoy it and I can’t. My blood pressure must be through the roof

07-11-22, 07:55
Anxiety belly this morning was extremely bad so my stool was mushy like porridge (sorry tmi) I hope this doesn’t mess up the testing.

07-11-22, 09:29
Well I’ve given in my sample now, so it’s out of my hands now. The receptionist said should be ready by Wednesday and I will get a call from doctor if it’s abnormal result (the word abnormal scares me) and I won’t hear anything if it is ok but I can still ring up to check.
I’m just worried that the type of sample I gave will show inflammation anyway because it was soft mushy poo due to being having anxiety I get that or diarrhoea every time I’m anxious about something so I’m hoping it doesn’t matter.
Going shopping tomorrow so I’m going to try enjoy that and relax a little bit.
Still so worried guys :( just wish this ordeal was over with.

07-11-22, 11:08
You've gotten a lot of good advice already, and the only thing I can add is just be careful because you're challenging the result of the test before you even get it. I do it all the time as well and once you set yourself up that way it doesn't matter what a Dr says, you can't be reassured, so try and steer yourself off that path.

I'm sure they can test any type of sample. In fact my infant son had a stomach bug a few weeks back and we were told they won't test for bacteria in it if it's any way solid, so there won't be an issue there.

07-11-22, 17:55
Still feeling worried, I’m in that weird state of not knowing what to do, think or feel :( my belly is constantly churning from anxiety and have a constant heavy feeling in my chest. Just wish I could feel normal again

07-11-22, 23:54
At this point AG30, it's self inflicted. There's no indication of anything serious and you're making something out of nothing concerning the doctors doing CYA tests. Hopefully when you get the positive results (as in negative issues), you can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.

08-11-22, 06:22
At this point AG30, it's self inflicted. There's no indication of anything serious and you're making something out of nothing concerning the doctors doing CYA tests. Hopefully when you get the positive results (as in negative issues), you can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.

I know you are right Fishmanpa! You are always right and i agree with you that yes it is self inflicted :(
Just wish I could stop the scared feeling and make it go away. I know I’m actually making myself sick with the stress but don’t know how to stop it.

08-11-22, 14:37
It hasn’t been hurting anymore to have a bowel movement and there has been no blood. The fissure I had has healed so I’m presuming that’s why.
I kind of wish I had waited before going to the doctors but because it happened on two separate occasions within a week I got scared. I there was only blood on two days and since then it’s been normal. Now I’m thinking I’ve put myself through all this stress for nothing, and I’m still waiting to hear back about the stool sample :( wish I hadn’t bothered.

08-11-22, 15:03
Try not to think that way, the trickiest thing us HA sufferers need to figure out is what is actually worth a Dr's visit and what isn't. The first step on that road is accepting what your Dr says when you do go. Going to get checked for having bleeding after a BM isn't really the issue to focus on now, even if there was a clear cause and effect for it(your fissure), but maybe think about why you were already finding problems with the test results you don't even have yet.

Hopefully tomorrow you can put this to bed, and if there is to be a next time your HA tries to kick in use this experience as a positive to control it!

08-11-22, 16:37
Try not to think that way, the trickiest thing us HA sufferers need to figure out is what is actually worth a Dr's visit and what isn't. The first step on that road is accepting what your Dr says when you do go. Going to get checked for having bleeding after a BM isn't really the issue to focus on now, even if there was a clear cause and effect for it(your fissure), but maybe think about why you were already finding problems with the test results you don't even have yet.

Hopefully tomorrow you can put this to bed, and if there is to be a next time your HA tries to kick in use this experience as a positive to control it!

Yes you are right it’s so hard to know whether or not something is worth a doctors visit, that along with having no patience to wait it out. From cbt I was always told wait two weeks and then if I still think it’s worrying go to the doctors.
I think it’s the fear of the unknown that I have a problem with, like I have no control over what’s happening to me is very scary :(
Tomorrow will be a hard day for me, I know I’m going to be on edge waiting to see if the phone rings and then if it doesn’t does that mean all is good or that they are taking longer with the results. The receptionist said I should get a call from the doctor Wednesday if abnormal, if ok I won’t get a call. So I’m going to be in limbo :(
So in all honestly I don’t want a call cos that means something was wrong with the sample.

08-11-22, 19:06
All I keep thinking about is the results and if they are high then I have to go for further testing I honestly can’t cope with all this, I just want to cry

08-11-22, 19:21
The word "if" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that post...

09-11-22, 06:33
Woke up at 4am feeling scared, managed to get back to sleep until 6am I keep telling myself this is not a test for cancer!! But a test for inflammation which I also don’t believe I have. I’m not having any issues with bowel movements anymore so I don’t believe anything is wrong.
I wish the doctor hadn’t asked me to do this test because I wouldn’t be feeling this way. This is why I wanted to talk to my own doctor not a doctor I’ve never met before because my doctor knows about my health anxiety and how this would affect me.
Today will be an edgy day waiting for a phone call IF i even get one. I really want to speak to my doctor about how this whole thing has affected me :(

09-11-22, 09:39
I’m not having any issues with bowel movements anymore so I don’t believe anything is wrong.
I wish the doctor hadn’t asked me to do this test because I wouldn’t be feeling this way.

There is a lesson here. It would have been easier for you, if you'd have done what most people do when they have a minor 'cause and effect' and 'most likely' incident with their bum. Sit it out, wait for it to resolve for a while and don't chase a GP - who will often ask for tests as they cover all bases to rule things out. Do you know how often people have happen what you have had happen in their usual week ? Its common and within days, as you've found it, heals !

09-11-22, 10:04
There is a lesson here. It would have been easier for you, if you'd have done what most people do when they have a minor 'cause and effect' and 'most likely' incident with their bum. Sit it out, wait for it to resolve for a while and don't chase a GP - who will often ask for tests as they cover all bases to rule things out. Do you know how often people have happen what you have had happen in their usual week ? It’s common and within days, as you've found it, heals !

Yep you are so right! I’ve brought this all on myself! My partner said the same thing to me. He said I need to find a solution and find one quick before my health anxiety really starts getting out of control again. I had done so well for so long until now. I don’t know if it’s hormones making me extra sensitive to everything. I’m trying to get on with my day as best I can and ignore the intrusive thoughts.

09-11-22, 10:20
Sit it out, wait for it to resolve for a while and don't chase a GP - who will often ask for tests as they cover all bases to rule things out.

This is really it... when most people go to a Dr something more than a minor issue they've fixated on has brought them there, and they would be disappointed if tests weren't ordered as they WANT to find out what's wrong, us HA folk on the other hand just want reassurance - a cursory glance and the Dr to say "Excellent news you definitely don't have cancer!" which is completely unrealistic.

I get polyps and have had a colonoscopy a couple of times, the last one the consultant asked me how I was just as he was about to perform it - I said I was nervous in case he found something, he sort of shrugged and said well that's why we are here - to find that out! It was a good insight into how most people think and actually calmed me down... as well as the fentanyl he used to put me under:roflmao:

Hope today goes well and you can learn from the experience.

09-11-22, 11:39
This is really it... when most people go to a Dr something more than a minor issue they've fixated on has brought them there, and they would be disappointed if tests weren't ordered as they WANT to find out what's wrong, us HA folk on the other hand just want reassurance - a cursory glance and the Dr to say "Excellent news you definitely don't have cancer!" which is completely unrealistic.

I get polyps and have had a colonoscopy a couple of times, the last one the consultant asked me how I was just as he was about to perform it - I said I was nervous in case he found something, he sort of shrugged and said well that's why we are here - to find that out! It was a good insight into how most people think and actually calmed me down... as well as the fentanyl he used to put me under:roflmao:

Hope today goes well and you can learn from the experience.

I know HA is the absolute worse!! Life destroying literally! I’ve nearly lost my relationship over it!
Still haven’t heard anything so no news is good news as they say..

09-11-22, 11:49
You are right Mocadona :) (IMO)

AG30 - yes, of course your hormones can cause you to be extra sensitive, and also of course there are lots of bodily changes that are brought about by pregnancy, and often many minor issues like some constipation, or indigestion or or or...... I think for HA peeps pregnancy can be a real trigger, as those changes are rocking the boat of normality on a daily basis. This isn't your first pregnancy - how did the others go ?

09-11-22, 12:13
First two were absolutely fine but I didn’t have HA then, third one was fine too but did have a few episodes of HA but got over them quite quickly. This time has been different, I’m very edgy, not sure why this is.

09-11-22, 18:39
Doctors surgery is closed now and I haven’t heard anything all day so I don’t know what to think. Don’t know whether to wait or call up tomorrow…

09-11-22, 18:51
You know deep down you have your answer - they said if it was abnormal you would know by today, but you will probably try and convince yourself of some mad reason why the results were delayed or that they didn't want to give you the bad news on a Wednesday or something, so I would say call them tomorrow and put this behind you!