View Full Version : weird heart sensations

27-10-22, 12:34
Hi all,

Ive not been here for a while, was doing so well :-(

But now I am feeling like something is really wrong. I have been getting heart flutters, and a feeling in my chest like when you are super anxious, even though I am not. Checking my fitbit at the time its happening ( a lot!), shows a bpm of about 58. Im now getting worried its something really bad. I did get palpitations during menopause, but HRT has helped. They felt different to this. I am so consious of my heartbeat too.

my heart is pounding too, like when you are really scared. I dont feel scared though, just trying to get on with things (sitting at a desk, so not really strnuous)

Can anyone relate?


Inanna xx

27-10-22, 17:55
Anyone? This has been going on for nearly a week now. On top of that I have pain in my neck which is giving me headaches. My upper back feels tight. I think ive hurt my neck, but I dont know why this would cause these heart type symptoms? Im getting very scared, but trying to stay calm

31-10-22, 09:15
Hey Inanna.

I know that the heart flutters are terrifying - I have had them for decades. I'm having them now. I've been told not to worry - everything is okay.

The heart flutters won't hurt you if you've been checked out and told it's okay. You just have to believe it, which is harder than hard when it's happening.

If you haven't been checked out, it's very, very, very likely that everything is okay, so really do try not to worry (again, harder than hard).

I would bet that your symptoms are caused by stress. Can you identify sources of stress, no matter how small? Stress can cause so many symptoms - it's amazing what the mind and body can do.

02-11-22, 17:11
Hey Jayke

Thank you so much for replying.

I did go to the doctors and she did an ECG and listened to my heart. Apart from the right bundle branch block, which I knew about - benign they tell me - she said it was fine. That said, typically I didn't get any paliptations during the ecg!

She also gave me a bunch of blood tests which all came back normal. My blood pressure was 120/77 , and my cholesterol is 3.1.

As for stress.. I wasn't stressed when this first started up last week, and , unlike me, I was not even anxious. Of course I am now!

My dad had a pacemaker fitted due to bradycardia , and I'm scared that I need one too.

Thank you for replying, it means a lot when you feel so alone xx