View Full Version : Blood in urine?! Period or something else? Panicking.. please help!

27-10-22, 16:56
Hi there,

I hope this is the right place to post about this!!! I'm probably being super irrational and should stop trying to google things, but my mind has been preoccupied this week and also I've had a lot of health anxiety worries (as well as my mum having a fall yesterday) so I guess I've circled around to worrying about one thing after another. I also suffer from recurrent/chronic UTI infections so I'm good at jumping to conclusions and worrying.

So basically, every time I pee I notice blood in the urine, when I've looked it also seems it comes out with a pink tinge?! Logically I guess I shouldn't jump to conclusions, because I've had menstrual bleeding for the past week (started the mini pill almost two weeks ago and clearly it doesn't agree with me lol). I'm wondering if it's likely to be period blood mixing with my urine or just seems worse than it is because of that?!

The reason I'm losing my mind and can't think logically is because a two and a half weeks ago I was having really bad bladder pain and frequency, to the point I was going constantly almost. I then ended up in urgent care, with a temperature and feeling generally terrible (nausea, the bladder symptoms, back pain, the temperature, lack of interest in food etc). They did some checks and sent me home with a prescription for antibiotics, which I only started the following evening. The day after I saw the GP again as I was still feeling rotten even though I'd only taken two doses of the antibiotic and he said the culture was negative and to stop taking the antibiotic. So I stopped it, even though I started to feel slightly better bladder-wise. When they had taken my blood at the hospital they also tested my CRP levels to check and make sure I didn't have a kidney infection I guess, and it was normal.

Since then I've had little flare-ups of frequency and a bit of pain occasionally but I also started my period so that's been a thing for the past 5 days and I guess after my mum fell yesterday, I've started worrying about EVERYTHING.

So I guess what I'm asking is has anyone else had period blood mix with their urine when on a period??? Is this likely a kidney infection worsening? Did they miss something and now the infection will get out of control???
I must admit I have a slight niggling pain in my upper back but it hurts when I move and press on it, so I think it could just be muscular. Other than that my bladder symptoms have calmed down a bit and I've not got a high temperature, or any nausea or vomiting. I don't feel too bad other than a little bladder discomfort (but I have bladder conditions so it's not unusual for me). The ambulance staff checked my temperature yesterday when I was having severe anxiety when my mum was going to the hospital and it was a bit elevated - 37.5C, but they said it's not considered anything to worry about and is normal for the most part. I'm worried they might have missed it..

Can anyone give any reassurance or should I go to the hospital again lol? I've spent the past week in and out so I really want to avoid it, and I would feel silly if it's normal to have red in your urine on a period adjajsf (first time going was for me, then I had to go for a sexual health check (unrelated), then I had to go with my mum).

Hopefully someone knows whether this is something that happens, I guess I never really thought about it before and I don't usually fixate on this kind of thing so I keep thinking that maybe I've not had bleeding in my urine on my period before and this is new for me even though it might not be lol. (I mean I have noticed some blood drip into the toilet before, but I don't think I paid attention to how it looked in the toilet properly before)

If I had a kidney infection would it show up worse?! This health anxiety is going to drive me crazy, I've done nothing but worry for the past week and a half about various things... I wish I could just stop panicking!