View Full Version : Postmenopausal Bleeding

28-10-22, 14:47
Hi there, I'm really worried about my mum, she has recently been getting some bleeding. She's 63 and went through the menopause around 10 years ago. I'm just so worried about. She smokes and drinks heavy as well. She went to the doctor yesterday and he had a feel and couldn't feel anything but has referred her for further testing such as blood test and ultra sound which she won't have done for 2 to 3 weeks. I'm just so worried and anxious. Anyone experienced this or no anyone has and it not been cancer? Anything else it can be?

Many Thanks

28-10-22, 16:37
Hi Louise, I've recently had perimenopausal bleeding on and off after 7 months without a period. I was referred for tests which is standard procedure for any post-menopausal bleeding. They do need to rule out anything sinister, but it's more likely to be something else. In my case, when I had my gynae appointment, the consultant found 2 areas of possible concern, but even then, the biopsies came back negative.
I found this information from the NHS website reassuring while I was waiting for my results:
(For Postmenopausal bleeding) "The most common causes are:
- Inflammation and thinning of the vaginal lining or womb lining caused by lower oestrogen levels.
- Cervical or womb polyps - growths that are usually non-cancerous
- a thickened womb lining
It says LESS commonly postmenopausal bleeding can be caused by cancer.
Fingers crossed for good news for your mum.

01-11-22, 18:49
Hi, my Mum had a scan on Friday so I'm starting to really panic that it might be something serious. I just don't know how to deal with this anxiety. She 63 and I worry about her so much.

Any advice?

Thanks. Xxxx

07-11-22, 12:23
Hi again. I'm in a right state today worrying about my mum. I've been non stop crying all day. She had an ultrasound scan and an internal scan on Friday and she got to go to hospital today where they will a biopsy and let her know results of scan. The thing that has got me really worried is don't they normally give results of scan there and then? I think as they have made her wait to speak to consultant it's because its bad news? Anyone know the process for this? Is that normal to get results few days later?

Please reply

Love Louise xxxx

07-11-22, 13:44
Hi Louise, I’ve not personally dealt with your mums situation but my sister has, she had some post menopausal bleeding, she had primary ovarian failure.she went to her gp and because of her age they made her do a pregnancy test just incase which was negative but because she was post menopause they had to refer her through the 2 week wait which meant having a scan and seeing a consultant few days later, even she did not get her results straight away and said she had to meet consultant but she managed to get a copy of it from her gp. She went and met the consultant who then said to her her lining was 1mm thicker than it should be for a postmenopausal woman and told her not to worry as it’s rarely anything serious but would still like to do a hysterectopy and take a biopsy.I had seen my sister scan report my self and it said any signs of cancer and it’s said no, even then she still had to see the consultant. She decided not to go for her for her hysterectopy (brave I know ) and 2 years later she’s fine and not had another bleed. I hope this helps you

08-11-22, 10:52
Hey, thanks for the responses. Just thought I would give an update. My mum got her scan results yesterday and they were clear apart from a cyst which they popped. She still has to wait for the biopsy results but at least the scan was OK and fingers crossed her biopsy results will come back clear. Thanks. Louise. Xxxx