View Full Version : Period didn’t arrive this month

28-10-22, 22:04
Hi guys

I’m getting a little worried and I’m hoping you guys can help me out

I’ve just turned 50 (yesterday) and I have been in all honesty worrying about this for a while not in a vain way I have been worrying about menopause and being called in for mammograms now because of my age I’m literally terrified about that but here’s my problem

My period was due on 19th Oct and it hasn’t arrived I’ve not had anything at all I’ve been aching more than normal well my kind of normal because I have fibromyalgia and I’ve had a few hot flushes although they have kind of wained off now

I bought a home menopause kit but I messed the first one up so going to do another in the morning but I’ve read online they aren’t very accurate so I won’t know whether to believe it or not

I know I should probably speak to a doctor but the thought of them wanting me to test for anything or them being worried about this scares me to death I just wonder if anyone has had the same thing happen and what it was?

Thanks for your help guys

Caz x

Oh just to add there is no way at all that I am pregnant

03-11-22, 10:20
Hi guys

Still no sign of my period

I thought about ringing the doc but I don’t want to freak out and given my age I have a feeling they will say to watch and wait anyway

The hot flushes have all but gone but I know they will likely come back maybe I will get a period this month I’m due on 14th Nov 🤔

We will see I’m not going too crazy about it just a niggling worry whenever I think of something I’m looking forward to like Xmas the back of my mind says “unless you’re ill” 😬 trying my hardest to not let them thoughts take over I feel fine in myself

Any help would be appreciated

Caz x

03-11-22, 10:57
Hey Caz ! I suspect you are indeed right about your feelings regarding the GP - at 50 (the average for meno) ..... Maybe you are going to be one of those lucky women who skip the years of perimeno and go straight to STOPPED periods, you never know ? Apparently I've heard there is a mythical person who this happens to. ;)

03-11-22, 11:04
Hi Carys

Thanks so much for replying ☺️

I hope you’re right and I am a lucky mythical one 😂

My mam had a hysterectomy at 49 so I have no guidance of what age I’m likely to be when it happens (I’ve read your mothers age is like a guide to what your age may be) I also worry I’ll end up needing that like my mam did 😬

I’ve kind of told myself see what November brings if nothing happens then speak to doc at least then they know I don’t know how accurate the home menopause kits are there’s a mixed opinion out there there’s also a mixed opinion about the blood test the doc does to check for it so who knows 😬

I will keep you all updated if you’re interested ☺️

Thanks again

Caz x

03-11-22, 11:43
Have you had any other more subtle changes in your cycle - maybe if you think retrospectively ? Heavier, shorter, longer cycle....etc ? I bought one of those online urine sample ones on Amazon during perimeno, the ones that show your FSH level, and it told me that indeed mine was high therefore my ovaries were working like bu**ers against their imminent death. I never had any blood tests or anything via the GP, as it was pretty obvious what was going on from symptoms (which I did talk to the GP about) and yes - I was told that blood test results can be very inaccurate as fluctuations at this point can be crazy.

03-11-22, 16:03
Hi Carys

When I think back I think I probably have had a couple of little signs

My periods were pretty regular give or take a day or two but I think they got heavier for sure I have to have a blood test every year because my thyroid doesn’t work I’m on medication for that this last blood test I had showed low iron so I was on iron tablets for 6 months doc asked me then if my periods had got any heavier and thinking about it they had

And also a little shorter I’d be real heavy for like a day and a half then it would practically stop so deffo small changes trouble is with this awful anxiety we live with it’s hard to know if you’re doing it to yourself 😬

My test was also a FSH test got it from Tesco 😂 I thought it showed positive my husband did and my daughter but my oldest daughter was “hmmm I’m not sure”

I’ll see how November goes I will be grateful for every day I feel ok and if I have no period this month I’ll speak to doc see what they say I would like to know if there’s a vitamin or supplement I could or should start taking?

Thanks again for your replies it’s really helpful ☺️

Caz x

03-11-22, 16:28
Yes - I think you did have signs for sure ;)

If you can - I'd chill about this, and perhaps do some menopause/perimenopause reading about the transition......cos I'd put money on it.....(disclaimer, I'm no Dr lol)