View Full Version : Inconclusive Urine Test?

31-10-22, 15:31
Well, this one is weird. I went to the doctor today because I caught some kind of cold from my parents. I mainly wanted to make sure it wasn't in my lungs as I've had colds turn into pneumonia before. I generally feel okay aside from a rough cough and periods of feeling really tired. However, I've also had some stomach and back pain, mainly on the lower right side but it does move up and down at times. It's just kind of like a dull, aching feeling. I did just get over my period, which was lighter than usual with far less cramping, but I'm not sure if that's related.

Anyway, my doctor suggested testing for a UTI in case I had one from being dehydrated and sick. I didn't have a lot "in" me but I gave my sample and left. They called a bit ago and said they didn't see any bacteria, but that there were some abnormalities and they were sending it out to culture it for five days and see what turns up. Doctor thinks it's viral. Of course my anxiety latched right onto it and can't stop thinking they'll end up finding something far worse. Has anyone had this happen before? I honestly expected he would think my stomach pain was something other than a UTI since aside from pain my urine has been normal.

31-10-22, 18:12
It's very difficult to give specific reassurances without knowing what the specific abnormalities were (and even then...) but what I will say is that, over the last six or seven years, I've had various tests that showed abnormalities - blood tests, urine tests, an x-ray - and in each case, nothing was actually wrong. The tests needed to be repeated and whatever abnormalities showed up had resolved themselves. I'm just one example, but it demonstrates that abnormalities on tests often mean very little on their own.

Hopefully you'll get to the bottom of it. If the doctor says they think it's viral, it's because they genuinely think that - not because they're just looking for something that sounds more reassuring.

31-10-22, 19:17
Thank you. They didn't sound especially concerned; I wish I could remember what they said exactly but she did say they were going to culture it to see if anything grew so I'm guessing they thought it could be some kind of bacteria. But who knows. I guess it's just my fear that they'll send it off thinking its bacteria and the lab they sent it to will find like bad cells or something.

I'm trying to stay calm and think that some of the pain is psychosomatic anyway, since it seems to move around. It also started when I pushed in on my stomach really hard leaning over and then noticed that area was tender, then started having just random little pains. I've also had some back pain but have been lying around due to being sick so that likely plays a role too.

I wish I could shake the cold, plus I've been feeling sort of dizzy/tingly/tired and am not sure if that's viral, or anxiety, or something else. I'm just trying not to spiral but I may take a nap this afternoon and see if that helps.