View Full Version : Doctor/hospital phobia. Tips for coping?

01-11-22, 12:18
To anyone who suffers with doctor/hospital phobias….

How do you deal with anxiety during the wait for an appointment and on the day of the appointment?

I used to be a VERY frequent attender at my GP, but now I find it so triggering and sink into a rabbit hole of fear when I know I have an appointment coming.
I have some ongoing health issues (fearful it could be cancer) that I need regular hospital appointments to monitor and I’m not coping! It took me 6 weeks just to build up the courage to finally call the hospital today and book my next appointment!

Then I always find myself playing down my symptoms and talking jibberish when I finally do see the doctor because I’m so afraid he’ll tell me something I don’t want to hear.

Please does anyone have any advice?

02-11-22, 11:02
I literally get super high blood pressure and anxiety before any appt. Weirdly the hospital doesn’t bother me IF I’m having surgery etc. I am terrified of doctors but just force myself to go. I think the downplaying of worry and symptoms while there are very common with HA. It’s like we don’t want to hear what they are going to say because in our minds we have decided this is going to be a terrible result. I have a medical
Issue I have to get checked yearly and before the test and during I feel like I’m going to die of anxiety. I haven’t figured out a solution. I do pray a lot and such and that does help me but I dread it every single year. I just wanted you to know you’re not alone.