View Full Version : Waking in the night with pulsations in head

01-11-22, 14:23
Please help - I am out of my mind with worry about this symptom. I wake several times during the night with a painless pulsing sensation in my head. It is not in time with my heartbeat and lasts a few seconds at a time. Sometimes it is weaker like a twitching and sometimes much stronger. Anyone else had this. I have seen doctor twice about it and going back again as it seems to be more frequent.

01-11-22, 19:09
Where in your head? Could it be a muscle twitch? My temporalis has been twitching for weeks. It went for 36 hours non-stop once, and I couldn't sleep. At first I thought it was a blood vessel, but it wasn't in time with my pulse. It freaks me out too

01-11-22, 21:17
Mine can be anywhere in my head - sides or middle or just all over. Right inside my head but only as I wake up. I’d call it more than a twitch - it’s quite strong sometimes. Has yours stopped now?

01-11-22, 23:51
No :scared11:
Lots of things can set it off. Chewing, for example. Sometimes it just randomly stars

02-11-22, 10:43
You might be compressing something in your neck which irritates nerves and muscles. Is your scalp tender or your neck tense when it happens? Sometimes it can feel like something is inside our head when it's actually the scalp.

02-11-22, 12:14
You say you've seen the doctor twice about this - what did they tell you?

02-11-22, 19:10
I do have an aching neck most of the time but not particularly in the night when I get the symptom

02-11-22, 19:11
They didn’t have any idea what it was - just said call again if it carries on 🤷*♀️