View Full Version : Finding a landlord (or equivalent) who is actually considerate, respectful, etc.

01-11-22, 15:15
It's difficult isn't it?

Sometimes I literally have to use the law to make my landlord treat me that way. Honestly I'd happily pay more just to be treated well.

Other than just buying your own house, is there any other way? Just being very selective or renting from agencies only, or?

Hm. I just wondered if anyone had any ideas about this :)

01-11-22, 17:12
Probably council or housing associations are the best landlords. My stepdad and my sister are both in council housing and they have no problems. But I guess availability is a problem with both.

02-11-22, 02:40
Probably council or housing associations are the best landlords. My stepdad and my sister are both in council housing and they have no problems. But I guess availability is a problem with both.

Yeah council housing I always thought I'd have trouble getting. Housing associations... are similar, or? I don't really know much about them :o

I remember in the past I have lived in flats and HMOs that were managed by letting agencies and in both cases they were very good.

Maybe I should focus on those in the future. Not that all agencies are good but I think on average they're much better!

02-11-22, 12:53
Treat you in what way? In which way are you being mistreated now?

03-11-22, 07:49
It's difficult isn't it?

Sometimes I literally have to use the law to make my landlord treat me that way. Honestly I'd happily pay more just to be treated well.

Other than just buying your own house, is there any other way? Just being very selective or renting from agencies only, or?

Hm. I just wondered if anyone had any ideas about this :)

We've rented two properties before we bought our house. I'm of the opinion that I treat someone else's property as I would treat my own. Hence, we always got our bond back and a glowing reference. :yesyes:

That said, I think we were lucky with the people we rented from as the house next to us is a rental and the landlord is shite. He doesn't keep the property in good condition. His idea of 're-decoration' was to get his mate to paint the bottom window and not bother with the top windows or the back of the house. There's damp in one bedroom - an issue that got so bad that a previous tenant (with a newborn baby) withheld the rent money until he agreed to come round and sort the issue out. She had so many problems with him that she ended up doing a moonlight flit with the kid. Current tenant is having the same problems. Back room is still damp. His solution is for her to have the heating on all day! Bloke's an absolute dickhead who is only interested in the rent money. And the tenant is a really lovely single mum. She deserves better but she's scared to rock the boat with this guy incase he turfs her out because she likes it here..