View Full Version : Terrified and health anxiety is out of control

02-11-22, 21:43
Hi there

So I have chronic health anxiety. I have convinced myself I have bowel cancer and I am dying.

I started to have right abdominal pain about a month ago that has came and gone and now is pretty constant. It’s more of a dull heaviness than pain really which also radiates to my back.

I went to the doctors last Friday because I was so fatigued and weak and tired. She felt around my tummy and couldn’t feel any lumps or bumps. I told her I have not felt great since I had covid back in February if this year and then within the last month or two really bad.

I have suffered with chronic piles and anal fissures since I was 18, I’m now 34. I have had a really bad flare up of my fissures since this year on and off. Any time I do a large hard stool it would normally reopen the tear and make it extremely painful to pass a stool.

I told her this and she also did a feel around my anus and inside to confirm skin tags on the outside and internal piles. She ordered a stool test and and a whole lot of blood work and I’m waiting on the results. She thinks I could be celiac or IBD or IBS for suffering with piles/fissures for so long etc.

Now has someone with chronic health anxiety my bowel movements are never the same really some days they’re soft other harder than the day before and back and forth etc.

I have been driving myself insane that I have bowel cancer. I haven’t left the house because I am so weak and fatigue when I walk as I just lay in my bed all day and wanting to sleep as then I won’t worry. I have lost my appetite since visiting the doctor and will loose weight no doubt even though I can’t afford too as I only weigh about 100 pounds. I have also got a sick note to take 2 weeks off work as I just can’t deal with it. I am shutting myself off and from everyone :(

I absolutely hate having this condition and wouldn’t wish it on anyone!

03-11-22, 07:35
I've been on my migraine meds, but I could have sworn I've just responded to this same post? :huh:

03-11-22, 07:43
It's definitely a duplicate, yes.

03-11-22, 07:50

I thought I was having a brain-blip lol