View Full Version : Constant panic! Again!

04-11-22, 20:45
Hi everyone. I'm knee deep in anxiety and panic for no apparent reason. The fear just came out of nowhere 2 weeks ago 🤷🏼*♀️ last time it happened was in 2008 after a few sleepless nights - this is always my trigger 😔
I get constant churning stomach and a feeling of dread. Dr has out me on Quetiapine and I'm nearly 2 weeks in. I think it's take the edge off slightly. Last time (2008) I was prescribed Lorazepam and that completely killed the anxiety. It seems Drs aren't keen on prescribing that now though. I mean I know it's highly addictive but I came off it fine before but they don't trust me to do it again 🤷🏼*♀️
At the moment I'm having a large vodka before bed to make sure I sleep and don't get the old sleep anxiety.

Thanks for letting me rant and for listening. I'm open to any help or suggestions.

04-11-22, 21:57
Hang on in there and give the meds a chance to work. I always find the lack of sleep is a symptom rather than a trigger, it always happens when I've had a period of stress and high anxiety.

Try and hang on to the thought that you can survive on very little sleep and function on a reasonable level.

09-11-22, 08:54
Insomnia will ramp up anxiety, as will drinking alcohol, which is also a potentially problematic habit to get into. Alcohol also inhibits the 'good' sleep you need. You'll potentially fall asleep faster, but the sleep you do get will be low quality.

Anxiety rarely happens for no reason. Take a look at your current stressors. Work issues, money issues, do you watch the news too much, is your diet bad, are you sedentary? All these these are a direct cause of increased subconscious anxiety, and even if the stressors are subtle, it builds up.

29-11-22, 18:06
This is how things stand atm .. Dr put me on 100mg Quetiapine twice a day and changed my anti-d from Citalopram to 75mg Venlaflaxine. All was going well until last 3 days when I've been waking up anxious again!!! I'm always shocked how that happens and find it almost I possible to calm down from. I kinda feel that perhaps meds need tweaking. Any ideas would be appreciated. I've been in pieces today

29-11-22, 19:17
This is how things stand atm .. Dr put me on 100mg Quetiapine twice a day and changed my anti-d from Citalopram to 75mg Venlaflaxine. All was going well until last 3 days when I've been waking up anxious again!!! I'm always shocked how that happens and find it almost I possible to calm down from. I kinda feel that perhaps meds need tweaking. Any ideas would be appreciated. I've been in pieces today

Did you read the previous responses you already have?

29-11-22, 20:42
Did you read the previous responses you already have?

I certainly did!