View Full Version : Hello again - please say hi!!

06-11-22, 20:14
Hi everyone,

I’m no stranger to this site or to anxiety. I was looking at my previous posts and my first one on this site was all the way back in 2011. Hard to believe, I was only a young 29 then!!

For the most part, the last 11 years have been good - I’ve lived a good life despite the anxiety! I’ve definitely had relapses but a combination of medication, talking therapy and time have all helped me when times have been difficult.

Well here I am again, writing this as a 40 year old man. And the unwelcome visitor that is anxiety has come to stay again.

A few months ago, life was great. I had been to Glastonbury, we were planning our summer holiday, work was busy but was ok. And I decided - I don’t need to be on medication anymore. I was on 20mg fluoxetine since 2017. So I contacted my GP in mid-July and he suggested taking 10mg a day for a month, and then taking 10mg every other day for a month before I stopped completely in mid-September.

It was all went well for a month of the meds - until a few weeks ago when the anxiety came back in absolute bucketloads. It was like an avalanche. I stopped sleeping, was crying everyday, having very dark, irrational thoughts and had to stay off work.

Anyway, after several calls to the doctor and a trip to a&e in total panic, I’m now back on 20mg fluoxetine. It’s currently day 9 and I’m experiencing all the joys of restarting the medicine - my anxiety is worse, I’m having to take some sleep meds to get to sleep at night and I’m still off work.

But I’m going to stay the course and get through this relapse. The meds helped me before so I’m confident they will again. But I’d love some company for this difficult journey over the next few weeks. So please say hello!!!

Thanks so much for reading x

06-11-22, 20:19
Hiya IrishLondon and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and
are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and
support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

07-11-22, 10:40
Hello IrishLondon,

There are plenty here to 'share this journey', you will be fine again, I'm sure - some people just need those meds as others do for physical illnesses. ;)

07-11-22, 14:50
Thanks Carys and Emmz. I’m in quite a bad way today. Very very anxious and restless. I’ve had to take another two weeks off work and I feel like such a failure. Why can’t I just be “normal”? Sorry to come on and be so negative. I just have nowhere else to go right now.