View Full Version : Got water up my nose

06-11-22, 21:19
Was taking a shower and I have one of those shower heads that the nossle can extend into a hose like thing I accidentally put it on the wrong setting and got a face full of water up my nose and in my eyes and now I'm worried that I have that brain eating amoeba because that's how you get infected is by getting water up your nose I know it's mostly found in warm lakes but I'm not sure if it's in my (city) water I know it's very rare but it still has made me worried as stupid as it sounds

06-11-22, 21:32
Ummmm.... No!


06-11-22, 21:40
Figured it was just a stupid irrational worry but idk

07-11-22, 01:34
It's incredibly rare and usually involves people swimming in warm bodies of water outdoors, and even then they have to be really really unlucky. In your case, if you caught it by doing that, you'd be on the news and scientists would want to study it to find out how it could happen. It's not worth a second thought.

07-11-22, 02:09
Definitely not, it is pretty much guaranteed that your city water is treated and therefore not harmful.