View Full Version : High pitched tinnitus in time with my heart beat?!

07-11-22, 01:42
Has anyone else had this?
I have tinnitus normally, but now it's in time with my heart beat which is annoying, if you google it's only the worse case scenario which isn't helping me. Has anyone else had this?
Did it go away?
Did you go to the Dr?
I'm going tomorrow - I spoke to a Dr today and he said he's not remotely worried but why, he didn't say - he phoned me as he knows I worry which is nice.
But it's so weird, it's high pitched tinnitus, not the low whoosing sound.

07-11-22, 03:23
I've had all types of tinnitus including the kind that matches up with pulse. My favorite pulse tie-in is the visual one that I get from time to time with little light (or dark) splotches in the center of my vision with each heartbeat. Several CTs, MRIs, and dilated eye exams later - all is normal. It went away. The best explanation I've heard is that there isn't much free space up there and so any kind of change in blood pressure, heart rate, spasms, etc. can cause these little temporary things. Most people don't notice them. Let us know what doc says.

07-11-22, 03:29
Thank you - Yeah the tinnitus heart beat is so subtle I doubt most would hear it but I can! Thank you x