View Full Version : Strange sense of eyes catching up to movement

08-11-22, 11:06
Got a strange one though i hope one that may be relatable to others on here

Had this strange feeling in my head of late, a sort of dizziness but more a feeling of my head moves and my brain follows closely behind, the feeling seems to be through my eyes

- Feeling that eyes or brain catch up to movement, i.e. moving head, moving in general, changing a lane
- sometimes watching fast movement on a phone say, i get the feeling and a slight bit of nausea
- Feeling spaced out all the time
- tinnitus (had for 10+ yrs)
- Painless pressure on nose bridge and temples that kind of feel related to the sensations
- seems to come and go in intensity
- some days are ok, some worse
- tiredness / sore eyes all the time
- eyes sometimes struggle to focus
- Sleep struggle
- mild headaches (constant)
- eye changes, seeing coloured blobs when changing from different lighting situations, some floaters too

Had a history of sinusitis, but this time theres no pain so i am not sure its related to that

a recent full eye test couldnt see any issues and bloods were normal

Trying to work out what it is and attribute to anxiety/stress or go down another rabbit hole of scans

20-11-22, 11:01
Saw this thread title and it caught my eye as my partner has had pretty much this exact experience, except she gets pain with it and it seems to be caused by her migraines.

An optometrist reckons I have ocular migraines where I can get physical symptoms without the pain so I wonder if you're experiencing something similar. Have you considered that you may be getting migraines without the pain?

20-11-22, 11:13
If you move your eyes to the far right or left then there is a sensation of a pulling sensation in the head. Both myself and partner have that sensation.
Poor eye focus can also be down to tiredness and overuse of screen time.
If you close your eyes for a few minutes you will immediately see an improvement.
The turning of the head and a feeling of pressure or delay in the action can well be sinus related as I get that and I suffer with sinus issues. It can also be due to high anxiety.

25-11-22, 12:25
Headaches have always been a problem for me, tinnitus etc
thank for replies, this still ongoing unfortunately, causing me alot of anxiety but im trying to be strong

GP not wanting to do scans at this point as we agree this will fuel the anxiety part, but i just cant seem to shake it, i keep thinking its all classic BC symptoms
they believe as opthamologist has had a really good look and lack of classic red flag symptoms that BC is unlikely

26-11-22, 02:28
I had an event happen years ago that shook me to the core and caused me to panic. For the next 3 days it felt like everything was manual, like I was constantly hearing the instructions from my brain to the rest of my body.

Lift right arm.
Stretch out hand.
Point finger.
Press light switch.

That kind of thing. It finally went away after a few days. I've found that when I'm panicked, really anxious or stressed out that I'll experience all sorts of bizarre feelings and sensations such as time passing at a different rate, being hyper aware or almost numb to the world around me, altered reality or timeline feelings, that kind of thing.

Is it possible the symptoms you're experiencing are simply caused by your anxiety and the reason they persist is because they stay at the front of your mind and you're constantly reminded of them? Have you found that the symptoms subside once you're busy doing something or you're concentrating hard on something else? Do the symptoms suddenly re-emerge out of nowhere and you realise you've not had the symptoms for a while?