View Full Version : Two week referral - so anxious

08-11-22, 12:14
So I went back to my GP regarding a genital ulcer that has been there for about three weeks now. When I first had it show up, it was quite painful to touch/put pressure on. I went to the GP who referred me to the sexual health clinic, who took swabs but said it didn't seem like an STI. She actually thought it might be an allergy to something. I had two ulcer looking things originally, and one looked like it was healing when I saw the nurse there. I got the results back as negative for the STIs. I was hoping they would go away and tried to forget about it since the tenderness and pain reduced but decided to check yesterday because I have a smear test tomorrow and wanted to make sure I am all clear to go ahead with it. Unfortunately, one of the ulcer things has still not gone, so I saw my GP today to ask about what it could be.

She looked and also said it was slightly swollen in the area, as well as the ulcer. She decided to refer me to a 2 week fast-track gynecology appointment because I've already had it a few weeks and it's been ruled out for STI. My health anxiety peaked as soon as she mentioned this and I've immediately started panicking about the prospect of this being something sinister. I have HPV so she said it was wise to refer to rule anything out but obviously I'm thinking if this isn't something simple that the GP can diagnose then it must be something bad!!! She said it didn't *look* sinister but at the same time didn't wanna say for sure :weep:

Has anyone had something similar and it not been anything to worry about? I'm really scared about vaginal cancer and stuff... I know it's super rare but also super hard to treat so my mind has just gone to a bad place.