View Full Version : I Think I Have DVT/PE And Need Help

12-11-22, 03:55
Thank you for clicking on this and giving me your time!

I am a 24 year old male. 6 foot and 170 lbs.

4 Days ago i started feeling a slight ache in my left calf but didn't care much for it and went about my dad. Later that night *around 4am* my calf was in such intense pain it woke me up from my sleep. It definitely scared me as I've never been awoken from pain before. I went back to sleep a bit later and the pain hasn't gone away. I still feel a dull pain in my calf. I have now noticed I have pain in my arms (worse when i move them directly above my head). I've had chest pain my entire life but this pain I now have ever seen this calf pain is different. I feel it in my back as well now, kind of like a sharp pain.

I'm not sure as to why I would have a blood clot at my age, but a week ago I smacked my elbow extremely hard on the corner of a wall and it bleed quite a bit. If I did get a blood clot I imagine it'd have to be from that.. but why would the clot pain be in my calf?

I'm scared I have a blood clot and it's turning into PE.. I have a little one and I can't die just yet.

If anyone has stories of themselves or friends/family who had DVT and PE and would be willing to share their symptoms I'd appreciate it. I don't want to go to ER for this as I've suffered from Health anxiety before and don't want to rush in unless it's unbarring pain.

Thank you

12-11-22, 06:54
Thank you for clicking on this and giving me your time!

This is refreshing to see..

4 Days ago i started feeling a slight ache in my left calf but didn't care much for it and went about my dad. Later that night *around 4am* my calf was in such intense pain it woke me up from my sleep. It definitely scared me as I've never been awoken from pain before. I went back to sleep a bit later and the pain hasn't gone away. I still feel a dull pain in my calf. I have now noticed I have pain in my arms (worse when i move them directly above my head). I've had chest pain my entire life but this pain I now have ever seen this calf pain is different. I feel it in my back as well now, kind of like a sharp pain.

First thing I'd be asking myself is what I was doing in the days before the pain came on. Sports? Something you do at work? Were you sitting back on your legs playing with your little one on the floor? I'd go through it all to see if it's a muscular issue.

My understanding of DVT is that the area would most likely be red and much warmer than the surrounding areas. There would most likely be other symptoms too. The only symptom you appear to have is pain and that can have numerous causes, the most likely one being muscular.

I don't want to go to ER for this as I've suffered from Health anxiety before and don't want to rush in unless it's unbarring pain.

Health anxiety has too extremes. One, we're never away from the doctor's surgery or A&E (ER) Two, avoidance. (Somewhere in the middle is what you should be aiming for)

You're in pain so this warrants a trip to your doctor. That's common sense. It's also what they're there for.

There are no prizes for putting up with pain. Pain sends up blood pressure for a start. If pain can be managed, then anxiety lessens.

Is DVT a HA fear in general with you? (If so, why?)

21-11-22, 01:11
I know someone who had a DVT that turned into a PE. To put this mildly, they were more than double your age, about double your weight, they have many health problems, and had just had vein surgery in a lower leg -- I hope you are already seeing where I am going with this?

Anyway, they went with a DVT for almost a full WEEK before the clot backed up the full length of their leg, all the way to their groin. By the time they were having other symptoms, which I won't list because then your HA brain might suddenly have them, too. When the clot reached their groin a hunk broke off and went to their lung and gave them a PE. They thought they had developed bronchitis or their asthma was flaring up again, so they went to their pulmonologist, who was able to tell *immediately* that something was very wrong, and sent them to the ER in an ambulance. At the ER they were given clot busters and within a day...

...they were fine. Utterly fine. That was at least 5 years ago, now. In the interim they've had multiple grandkids and other unrelated medical issues and driven many 6 hour drives with only a single break to pee.

I tell this story because it cured me of fearing DVT. If someone who was high risk in every possible way could come out of it totally ok, then the chances that this is anything you need to worry about are really low.

I'll add that aspects of this also sound a lot like sciatica. How heavy is your kid? Don't underestimate how much damage you can do lifting anything over 10kg / 20ish lbs...