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View Full Version : Labyrinthitis

12-11-22, 18:43
Hi all, looking to other labrynthitis sufferers to help calm me down over my first ever experience of this. I have spoken to a GP who is happy its viral labrynthitis but my HA doesn't like it!
Started on Sunday night, fine during the day but rolled over in bed and the whole room Span. Fine again Monday until Monday night and then same happens. Tuesday day i felt a bit wobbly and like it was hard to concentrate and noticed a pressure type feeling in my left ear.! The wobbly feelings gradually got worse with a hint of nausea. Wednesday much the same and that's when I spoke to GP. She suggested over the counter anti histamines if I struggled with symptoms which I did take on the Thursday and they did make me feel better, Friday I was at home so didn't take anything as she said only to use if needed and not too often and I just felt rubbish on and off all day with room moving sensastion and ear pressure and a little bit painful but not unbearable. Today again much the same but I am very much over this now. Bright lights and concentrating on the TV seem to upset it as well.
How long is this going to go on for? I hate it its horrid and I just keep googling it !

20-11-22, 15:13
I have the same it’s very very worrying when it first starts once you know what it is and you know that you will get over it it’s not quite so bad it’s just that period when it happens it’s quite frightening but you will get over it and you will return to normality