View Full Version : Tinnitus relief?

14-11-22, 12:10
Hello, I've had tinnitus on and off for a few months now. I developed it after a cold, it went away completely then it came back after another cold. I had my earwax removed on Friday which I was hoping it would cure but no avail. It's just in one ear and is fairly intermittent although it seems to be more frequent as of late - I don't notice it when I'm out and about doing things but I do when I'm at home.

I've got a dr's appointment next Wednesday but as it is really starting to get to me I thought I'd ask if anyone on here has experienced it and has any relief?

As per, I've done frantic Googling and have been mildly worried that it could be the cause of something serious (although every page mentions that it's usually not!), but I'm not doing too bad anxiety-wise about it. Guessing the most likely reason is because of anxiety, although I've not been too anxious as of late.

Any help would be most appreciated, it's driving me crazy!

14-11-22, 16:31
I have bouts of tinnitus. Not caused by anything in particular, certainly not anxiety. It just happens.

it’s true, it’s at its worst when it’s quiet. If it bothers you at night, maybe sleep with a fan on to give some white noise. Point the draft away from you if you want. I can hear it now with me because I’m thinking about it.

Distraction is the only thing that helps me. Always have a background noise going. Don’t use ear buds they will make it worse. Radio, TV is better. But our brains are very clever, they tend to block it out naturally eventually. It’s like I said , I can hear it now because I’m focussing, before I couldnt hear it at all. It was there for sure but I just wasn’t registering it.

Good luck at the doctors.

28-11-22, 19:23
I've had it for what seems like ages, but can't remember when exactly. Don't notice it during the day, but sometimes at night it's so invasive. Think it may have something to do with my Eustacian tubes and sinuses.

28-11-22, 20:38
Too much time spent listening to loud music on headphones has left me with permanent tinnitus. I don't notice it most of the time. It's noticeable in quiet environments, but 95% of the time I'm not really aware of it. Background noise and distraction seems to cover it.

04-12-22, 19:50
Thanks everyone. I went to the dr and they diagnosed me with eustacian tube dysfunction - said the ringing eardrum was cloudy. I've had a bit of dizziness too. I've got a steroid spray to use for a month to see if it improves - otherwise I think I'll have to try and live with it

09-12-22, 17:44
If it's permanent then you will learn to live with it. Sometimes you won't even notice it. It might annoy you occasionally but it won't be anything to get worked up about.