View Full Version : Child CT Scan Incidental Findings

14-11-22, 22:50
For once, my post isn't about my own health issues (or perceived ones) but about one of my kids.

My child (10 years old) developed a motor tic over the summer. We saw the doctor and when it didn't clear up they sent us for a CT scan.

I got the call from the doctor today that the CT was normal but that the adenoids were enlarged but unless they were causing problems could be left alone. But they also said that there were some lymph nodes in the neck that the radiologist recommended the doctor see in person.

And that set off my panic. Why do they need to be seen and felt? Why would the say the CT is normal but then add on these caveats? I feel so petrified right now. Dealing with health anixety about myself is one thing, but about my children is an entirely different beast. My mind is jumping to all kinds of worst case scenarios and I feel so panicked and lost.

I'm not even sure why I'm posting. I just feel scared for my baby.

Edit: we did all have a horrible cold at the end of September. Until about the 28-30th, I would say. Sore throats, the whole shebang. The CT was last week.

15-11-22, 03:28
When I was around 10 years old I had surgery to remove my adenoids. It was terrible. I do not recommend it and I've heard they really don't do the surgery anymore. I was experiencing chronic congestion which was probably caused by allergies.

Allergies (or colds) can cause both enlarged adenoids and enlarged lymph nodes. I seriously doubt there is any cause for concern.

21-11-22, 22:20
When I was around 10 years old I had surgery to remove my adenoids. It was terrible. I do not recommend it and I've heard they really don't do the surgery anymore. I was experiencing chronic congestion which was probably caused by allergies.

Allergies (or colds) can cause both enlarged adenoids and enlarged lymph nodes. I seriously doubt there is any cause for concern.

Thank you for taking the time to reply!

Our doctor essentially said that unless the adenoids were impacting her breathing she would not recommend having them removed because the surgery can be pretty unpleasant.

About the node, she said one side is slightly larger than the other but within the "normal" limits and so she was not concerned.

Still, trademark of anxiety, despite receiving the food news from the doctor I still find myself thinking, " what if?!"