View Full Version : Moveable Lump in collarbone

15-11-22, 11:26
Hi there,

I’m trying to think rationally about this but really struggled last night so in a bit of a panic today. I’ve recently finished therapy (again) for my health anxiety and it went well up until yesterday.

A few weeks ago now I was sitting at work and had an itch in my right collar bone (you know the dip sorry not sure what that part is called lmao) anyways as I itched I just started to feel the area. Honestly no clue why I regret doing it now. In the process I found a lump probably the size of a pea maybe a little bigger. It’s squishy and moveable. When I initially found it I was like oh that’s weird and moved on from it but I thought about it last night started messing and now I’m freaking out it’s the worst possible thing.

I understand as humans with have many lumps and bumps. I also don’t know if it’s a lymph node although I couldn’t find the same thing on the other side. It’s not visible it’s actually quite deep which is why I’m freaking out. My partner has felt it and so has my mum and they both said they wouldn’t even worry about it personally and it’s probably a lymph node. But I can’t help but think the worst. Should I go to the doctors? I probably found this thing like 2 months ago and it’s not changed in size (as far as I’m aware). I just don’t know what to do :’(

Emily x

15-11-22, 12:38
It's often very difficult to offer specific symptom reassurance on something like this because I don't have the knowledge or training to properly interpret what you describe, and we all know that new lumps should in theory be checked out. However, this is an anxiety forum, so it's perfectly possible (and quite likely) that you're just worrying about something normal. Whether you go to the doctor to get it looked at it is up to you - you'll need to decide for yourself as best you can if it feels like something genuinely unusual and out of place or if the anxiety dragon is breathing down your neck. Soft and movable is usually a good sign when it comes to lumps.

15-11-22, 14:34
Thank you for your reply I appreciate it! You’re quite right it is difficult. When I am thinking rationally it doesn’t bother me as such I’m just kinda like it’s a fatty lump because I have one on my shin and also my kidney so perhaps I’m prone to these fatty lumps. I’m just a lumpy person lmao! What I think I’ll do is, not mess with it, wait a week or two and if it’s still bothering me go and get it checked out. I was just in such a state last night unfortunately and it’s just made me question it probably too much.. I wouldn’t have found it if I didn’t go poking around.

Thanks again for your reply! ☺️

15-11-22, 16:22
Hiya, just a story of my recent lump issues. I found a lump in my right chest area when I was itching the area one night - this was back in July. Went to the docs, and she felt it too. She wasn't concerned at all but booked me in for an ultrasound as it was 'deeper' than usual skin bumps and lumps, I had an approx 3 month wait. Well I had the ultrasound a few weeks ago and nothing showed up! I think the lump is still there, however whatever it is must be part of my normal anatomy.

15-11-22, 16:29
Hiya, just a story of my recent lump issues. I found a lump in my right chest area when I was itching the area one night - this was back in July. Went to the docs, and she felt it too. She wasn't concerned at all but booked me in for an ultrasound as it was 'deeper' than usual skin bumps and lumps, I had an approx 3 month wait. Well I had the ultrasound a few weeks ago and nothing showed up! I think the lump is still there, however whatever it is must be part of my normal anatomy.


This is good to know, sometimes we stumble across things on ourselves that we’re probably always there and we were just unaware 😅 I’m glad all was well with you! ☺️