View Full Version : Health anxiety

17-11-22, 21:15
Hi guys,
Really struggling withnanxiety/ health anxiety it's affecting everything my personal life my job . So fed up feeling like this .
Wondering if anyone has had anything similar
Was on treadmill at home working out not sure how it happened i.lost my footing then started thinking I could walk properly panicked got off then spent evening going crazy that I couldn't walk and next few wks then went on to having weakness , twitching, cold feet hands ,not be g able think properly. Then googled symptoms lot neurodegenerative diseases came up with same\ similar symptoms .Feel like I have been losing my mind since then can't think straight . Feel like I can't talk properly almost like I panic when talking to people in person or on phone feel like i won't be able to talk.
But I can talk then I am then obsessing about not been able to talk so petrified I won't be able to talk one of these days . Have been to doc am being referred for mri . Wondering if anyone has had similar .

23-11-22, 22:22
I have struggled with health anxiety for around 15 years. You wouldn't believe the amount of illnesses I have diagnosed myself with.
Talking about it has always helped me. People are starring to understand it more now as an actual illness which helps.
Health anxiety and anxiety in general can cause so many physical symptoms it 'tricks' ypir brain into thinking ita something serious.
For example I have had dizziness, headaches, brain fog, exhaustion, fuzzy eye sight, sickness, stomach pains all from anxiety.
Your not alone.
Pm if ypu need help