View Full Version : Rib pains, upper stomach - so worried

18-11-22, 10:30
I'm sorry for posting about my latest worry, but I at least need to get it down onto paper.

I am 53, female and suffered with HA for most of my life, with it becoming worse over the last 10 years.
Recently I have been getting pains around my lower rib cage. To begin with I thought it might be to do with work I was doing outside, as it almost feels like I have been doing sit-ups when you have that aching the next day. It would come and go. Then about 3 weeks ago, I noticed it again and started to worry. Since then it is there most days. It feels like it is around my bra-line (it's not my bra causing it) and feels achy across the whole front. I am also getting stabbing pains in ribs on both sides and pains in my upper stomach. I remember having the same pains back in June 2021, which eventually went and since then they have come and gone. I also seem to have a lot of burping and stabbing pains in different parts of my back.

At the beginning of this year I was having stomach pains and the doctor said it was probably acid reflux, even though I don't get any burning in my chest or throat. I had bloods taken in May which were all normal. My appetite up until now has been great, if anything I have been hungrier. But I am so scared that I have panc cancer. It's beginning to effect my thoughts all day now. If i had scans that told me there was nothing to be concerned about, I would accept the pains. I spoke to a doctor on the phone and she said it didn't sound like anything I was worried about, but to call back in 2 weeks if still have the pains.

I keep hoping it's acid or indigestion but I cannot find anything that describes my rib pains relating to that. Can anyone relate at all?
I'm really trying not to let this spiral.


20-11-22, 13:58
I know there haven't been any replies to my previous post. but I'm struggling even more today. I have this terrible fear that I might have pc and have. tried hard to get on with things this weekend. However, today I have got the most awful itching hands and feet. I have no idea what's kicked it off but of course I am linking it to the pc fear as in my previous reading it mentions itching and jaundice. I have started checking my eyes and asked my hubby if I look yellow. My eyes seem normal and hubby says no, but I am just thinking this is to much of a co-incidence not to be linked. All I can think is that I must have it and the fear keeps washing through me is. I'm 53 too so can't say I am too young. I had a load of blood tests done back in May which were all normal, but of course that was a while ago. I know noone can tell me what's wrong on here, but I just want to get it out and perhaps hear some words to help me rationalise a little.


20-11-22, 14:15
I would say that your "previous reading" and your anxiety response to symptoms you are trying to diagnose yourself in true HA mode have brought you to where you find yourself today.

What would your therapist say?

20-11-22, 14:44
Thanks for replying Pulisa. My therapist would tell me to try and distract myself and not seek reassurance and i have been doing ok with this up until the last week or so. Now I seem to have hit a wall. The feeling that something is awfully wrong is consuming me today. I was starting to feel less anxious over the rib pain, but then this itching on my hands and feet started sand I feel like I'm falling apart with fear.

20-11-22, 19:42
You have a feeling that something is awfully wrong..which is your automatic response to anything out of the ordinary for you. Your built in panic response. Have you got any other theories as to what could have caused the itching other than pan can? Is it pan can or nothing? Is it worth trying an anti histamine?

20-11-22, 19:47

Obviously a big fear of yours?

20-11-22, 21:15

Obviously a big fear of yours?

One of a few Pulisa.
I’ve also been through all my old posts trying to convince myself that I’ve had this before but right now it’s not sinking in.

20-11-22, 21:40
Because this time it's "different"?

What is your plan for this time?

20-11-22, 23:10
I donÂ’t know Pulisa. Be got an appointment with my therapist at the end of the week. Only seen her once since Sept as IÂ’ve literally been working nonstop in my new role. Up until the last week IÂ’ve been enjoying the full on intensity of it all but for the first time, since this all hit, IÂ’ve felt like I canÂ’t do it.

21-11-22, 08:23
Maybe you're getting exhausted from the demands of the job and this exhaustion is allowing the HA thoughts to creep in again? When you're vulnerable to suggestibility and then start to spiral..? You keep very busy to distract yourself from all those worries and doubts but it just doesn't work and the panic gets worse? I think it's a good thing that you are seeing your therapist this week. It must be very hard for you to concentrate at work.

21-11-22, 09:38
Maybe you're getting exhausted from the demands of the job and this exhaustion is allowing the HA thoughts to creep in again? When you're vulnerable to suggestibility and then start to spiral..? You keep very busy to distract yourself from all those worries and doubts but it just doesn't work and the panic gets worse? I think it's a good thing that you are seeing your therapist this week. It must be very hard for you to concentrate at work.

Thanks Pulisa

That’s what my hubby says.
This morning I am a mess - I can’t eat and I’m so frightened that I have pc. The tops of my fingers sre really itchy this morning and both the top of my big toes. It seems too much - upper stomach pains and then this itching. It’s not there all the time but the fear is so intense.

I’m sorry for going on.