View Full Version : Leukaemia worries

18-11-22, 17:19
Hi everyone. For some reason I’ve got into my head that I’ve got leukaemia. I think this is because I saw an article about a man who had a sore throat and ended up being leukaemia.

Anyway, I had a sore throat that took longer to recover than usual (has recovered now), but now I’m convinced.

I’ve been tired of late (but also working hard) and today I found a tongue ulcer and am terrified.

Please can someone reassure?


18-11-22, 17:54
Forgot to add, I’m 31 male and in fairly good shape

18-11-22, 18:50
The vast majority of sore throats are not leukemia related. The overwhelming majority of sore throats that get better are not leukemia related.

The vast majority of tired feelings are not related to leukemia.

The vast majority of tongue ulcers are not leukemia related.

The vast majority of healthy 31-year-olds don't get cancer.

The vast majority of cases where someone has all those things going on at the same time still aren't leukemia related.

The odds are in your favour, my friend.