View Full Version : Climbing chalk

19-11-22, 22:07
Hi all,

I have been climbing for a couple of years and been using climbing chalk.

For some reason it has only just dawned on me that I have probably breathed in a lot of chalk dust.

I am now absolutely panicking I have caused myself a health issue with my lungs. Not sure if I should be panicking but my brain has gone in over drive now :-(

19-11-22, 22:11
Well you definitely shouldn't be panicking because what will that achieve? Look at this way - there are thousands (millions?) of people around the world who enjoy climbing regularly. How many of them become ill as a result of it? I don't actually know what the risk is like with regularly climbling chalk surfaces, but I'm betting it's not so significant as to warrant panic. I'd bet the benefits of your hobby far outweigh the health risks.

20-11-22, 07:07
Well you definitely shouldn't be panicking because what will that achieve? Look at this way - there are thousands (millions?) of people around the world who enjoy climbing regularly. How many of them become ill as a result of it? I don't actually know what the risk is like with regularly climbling chalk surfaces, but I'm betting it's not so significant as to warrant panic. I'd bet the benefits of your hobby far outweigh the health risks.

I am worried if it will cause something similar to Silicosis?

20-11-22, 11:19
I am worried if it will cause something similar to Silicosis?

I have Health Anxiety but I wouldn't even give this a second thought if I was in your position.
You have an incredibly challenging but, I'm sure, rewarding hobby - I am envious mate.
Be proud that you push your body to climb and that it is strong enough to do so.
Know that, the benefits will far outway any "risks" from using the chalk.

20-11-22, 14:31
Gymnasts use huge amounts of chalk - they all seem perfectly and always have and its flying around in big clouds all the time. I started teaching using blackboards, and chalk dust was copious - no problems here. There would be warnings for any professional using chalk, and to be frank it wouldn't be allowed in schools and gymnasts training if there were health concerns. I'm sure if you have asthma and a preexisting breathing condition it won't be greatly helpful, but for healthy individuals who aren't sitting breathing it in 24/7 in vast amounts there won't be an issue.

23-11-22, 02:02
Oh heavens, I am relieved to see this is a post about potentially breathing in chalk used while climbing, not a worry about climbing ON chalk -- which sounds like a very, very poor idea!

I wouldn't worry too much, especially if you've been in a well ventilated or outdoor space.
If it is any comfort, I also have an obscure hobby that's linked to silicosis, and I am fine.

I still broke myself hillwalking, though, so my advice is: don't ever trust a wet rock, a crumbly rock, or a loose rock. :lac:

23-11-22, 20:58
Lebron James throws a huge handful of chalk into the air before every game he plays, often right in front of the crowd. I'd imagine if there was any risk he'd have been informed by now, or else he could be in trouble with the law!

I'd would be as close to 100% sure as I can that there is no risk here. Climb away!

24-11-22, 09:15
I am worried if it will cause something similar to Silicosis?

How have you possibly made this connection?

I suspect it's because you have been googling nonsense.

Chalk dust is water soluble, it would disappear inside your body.

Crystalline silica is not.

This is why people should need to qualify before googling symptoms :shades:

27-11-22, 21:42
My 5 year old has eaten copious amounts of chalk… probably breathed it In too. Apart from feeling mildly disgusted when he does it I don’t give it much thought. His teachers certainly don’t and everything is risk assessed in his school.